
Ki knew a little about horses and had decided on the direction her horse would be raised so immediately decided. "Destrier war horse, preferably one that comes from a good breeder and the toughest and unruly one that is below or around eighteen months old."

Agnes looked at Ki again since her granddaughter suddenly once again revealed a small portion of her knowledge she did not know she possessed. "Why eighteen months old?"

"Training them around their eighteen months of age seems to be the best time to start because it's the best time for the rider and the horse to begin developing their bond and trust. The training designed to reduce the horse's natural fear of people and increase its aggression, as well as building a lasting bond with the rider will also help when encountering attacks or times of crisis. I heard that the Destrier war horses are very reliable partners and fierce in combat but very loyal to their owners, so much so that they would not let another person or horse get near them." Ki grew excited as she spoke. 'I am sure I will be able to tame it.'

Since she travelled a lot previously she picked up a lot of knowledge and experience with horses but she most loved the more aggressive and wild ones the most.

While she did own her own wild breeds of horses or warhorses she had also lost many of them because of sudden ambushes, some died getting her to safety, some survived many battles but others were easily startled and created more problems for her than they had any merits.

She couldn't count how many times she almost lost her life when riding a horse during her travels but she narrowly escaped death thanks to her horses fast actions to escape calmly.

She also had times when she did not have a very good horse and ended up losing it early in battle, it was rather bothersome to lose her means of transport and have to battle to the death with her ambushers because she did not have a proper means of escape.

If she had a properly trained war horse then she would not have to worry about this in the future.

With her gained experience she was sure she could tame any war horse and build a strong bond with enough time.

Most of all Ki wished for the Destrier breed of horse because of their powerful hindquarters, able to easily coil and spring to a stop, spin, turn or sprint forward quickly.

She believed once raised properly it would be a powerful war horse capable of accompanying her for a long time.

Ki spoke again. "As for the other breeds of horses I think it would be wise to get a variety of different breeds. While different warhorses can be used by a single person it would be best to also buy many for transporting many people and goods by carriage. If my brother wishes for a horse or someone else then at least we will have some in our farms that they can interact with."

Another thing Ki remembered was that once she grew familiar with her horse she needed to practice her sword arts and grow familiar with them on horseback.

Then she could properly make use of her martial arts while still being seated on her horse, this would help better overcome life and death situations in the future while still being on horseback not just to better protect herself but also her horses life.

Adam looked at the mystery that was his daughter and let out a sigh. "Whatever you wish for we will move mountains just to get you what you desire."

At this point the family was already somewhat used to Ki's weirdness and her vast amount of knowledge and experience stored in her small head.

Although she did not reveal anything about her previous life to the family or let anything slip during talking with them, she couldn't help revealing some of her knowledge when discussing business and other matters so naturally they became used to this as time passed.

There was one worry though… although she was comfortable talking with adults she had no friends her age and the closest to her age was Marilyn who was older.

Elizabeth thought of this and then thought about the dogs, reindeer and horses growing a bond with her daughter and thought to herself. 'Well at least she can start with growing a bond between herself and the pets and maybe one day she can make more friends her own age. She is a bit distant with those in the village and she has yet to have her coming of age debut when she reaches the appropriate age so it may be some time until she can properly socialise with other girls her own age.'

If Ki knew her mothers thoughts she would immediately roll her eyes and think. 'I am an old lady at heart and mind… socialise with those immature brats no way!'

Trying to live as an old soul trapped in the body of a child was a difficult task at times because there were often times when she forgot her bodies current age and acted like her usual self not restraining herself, luckily the family weren't around to witness her worst moments.

She felt more comfortable talking with the adults on an intellectual level but towards those around her own age she treated them as an old lady would towards her grandchild or a normal child.

She would treat them all well but she could not find a common topic of conversation and matching interests to be able to develop a deep and lasting bond.

Even if she met the noble daughters her age one day she believed that she would still not be able to have many things in common with them or be able to hold a proper conversation with them for long because unlike girls her age she is more interested in martial arts, wine, tea and business.

The only common topics she could talk about with them would probably just the art of tea and even then it was unknown how much her knowledge surpasses theirs.

It would be like a master having to reduce their level of proficiency to be able to match their level just to hold a proper conversation on their interests which Ki had no interest in doing.

'Speaking of animals and bonds…. I still haven't decided what contract beast to make a contract with my parents and grandmother. Although they have improved a little over the years in strength it wouldn't hurt to gain an additional layer of protection.' Ki went back to thinking about how to better protect her family when she was away on her travels.

Many more days passed…

Within a large place outside of Wolfden city where many hills rose above the flatland stood many noble children up high laughing together in excitement while drinking and inhaling forbidden drugs.

Below were several clothed carriages which carried several large cages, the carriages entered onto the flatland which had been fenced off with wood and wooden stakes to prevent anyone from escaping from inside.

Several cages carried by the carriages entered the gate of the prison like flatland as the nobles looked from above with an excited and bloodthirsty gleam in their eyes.

The cloths were then removed from the cages revealing many malnourished and weak looking men, women, children and those old in age.

While some were healthy there were some visible signs that they had been wounded or mistreated within the past week.