Evil flame emperors tomb

Ki was able to notice something was off immediately so she lowered her body to grab a hand full of dust from the ground and blew it forward. "Stay back this time."

As the dust scattered in the air, several thin lines became faintly visible as the dust clashed against them.

Ki's eyes sharpened as she noticed this and then stepped forward slowly and took a step over one of the lines at foot level.

She then lowered her body as if ducking under something that reached waist level and then stepped over another one once again at foot level.

She raised her hand upon reaching the end of the hall and then turned around the corner.

The wall was fake but the end of the hallway was longer in width so while the wall was visible to those in the hallway only, upon reaching the end of the hallway Ki was able to walk around the wall and get behind it.

Several crossbows were lines up behind the wall where the rectangle was in the wall.

Ki walked towards them and pressed on a switch which locked the triggers on the crossbows from being triggered.

The crossbows were then turned away from the hole in the wall to avoid any unexpected accidents while Ki untied the strings attached to the crossbows triggers.

Ki stepped out from behind the wall after disarming the connection between the crossbows and the trip wires and spoke loud enough for the others to hear. "It's safe now so you can all come."

Every single person safely made their way through the hallway and around the fake wall and behind was the final chamber.

Many open bags full of jewels, rare ornaments or weapons were laid out before everyone's eyes.

A lifetime of someone's long hard work and what had been left behind after their death was in front of everyone's eyes but Ki waved her hand in front of them all to stop them from moving forward to grab them all immediately.

Unlike most tombs the dangers were easily avoidable if one was cautious enough but that wasn't the reason why Ki did not let others come to the tomb without her guidance.

This tomb in particular caused many deaths because of hidden traps that were connected to the treasures.

Some traps were above the treasures in the ceiling where rocks or other things would fall upon those that tried to remove the treasures while others hid some hidden weapons that fire darts or needles within the pile of treasure or in secret parts of the room.

The moment something was grabbed that had a thin metallic wire attached, one of the traps would be activated and the people would either be pierced by hidden weapons, crushed by rocks or poison powders would be released in their direction.

Thanks to her experience with setting up traps of her own and what she learned from experience, Ki cautiously dealt with all of the traps and dismantled them one at a time.

The most useful traps that Ki had took an interest in was the flammable liquid or powder mechanism which once triggered it would ignite the flammable liquid or powder within the cylinder and cause it to explode.

Once it exploded it would deal enough damage to those close enough to cause severe burns or blow apart some body parts if close enough to the impact.

Many traps were dismantled and placed on the ground cautiously to be taken away and studied thoroughly and then Ki found herself by the place where several books and scrolls were.

Among the many scrolls and books, several of them had stood out the most in Ki's eyes. "Evil flame qi art, evil flame palm art, evil flame body tempering art, evil flame sword arts and evil flame movement art. These will be helpful for you."

She quickly handed them over to Marilyn. "These will be useful for you to progress further. Even if you cannot fully use the sword arts completely as you use a different style, they will help to provide you with further insight into your own martial arts as you begin to master the flame qi arts. When you have looked over them or made a copy for yourself give me them all back to keep safe. I will allow you to teach them to your most trusted people but because it is a devil martial art that is harmful to the user the only way to overcome the arts flaws is to also practice the blood mystical arts. If you wish to give them a copy, make them all burn it and then bring them to the mansion so they can have the runic pattern tattooed on their body."

While Marilyn had continued to develop her sword arts to suit her own style of dual wielding a knife and rapier, she still needed to find a way to utilise her flame qi in an efficient manner that would increase her sword arts lethality a step further.

The main reason why Ki had chosen this tomb in particular was to get those martial art books and scrolls for Marilyn but that wasn't the end goal.

Out of many of the tombs that had been discovered throughout her previous life this one stood out for its treasures, martial arts and other variety of books and scrolls and a large weapon inventory.

The abundant wealth and resources that it had within was what Ki truly desired.

She searched the weapons among the weapons racks, those within the pile of treasures and within the large bags and came across a thin sword that was of a similar shape to her own.

Among swords or other weapons, there were different grades depending on the materials used and how well they were made by their creators along with their fame gained by their weirder in the past.

The weapons were either graded as scrap or low grade, ordinary or medium, high, master or superior grade depending on their craftsmanship.

The sword Ki had been using was between medium and high grade because she used the families connections and expenses to have it built according to her specifications but the sword before her eyes was finely crafted and was of the master grade that was made using rare ores and materials by a talented blacksmith.

She held the sword in hand which was of a similar shape to her current sword but was a little heavier and was made from a black type of metal. 'If my memory is correct this is the famous master grade sword of the previous evil flame emperor. This sword was made from a rare ore which is highly resistant to heat and fire far beyond other ores and materials and has been expertly crafted to its limits so that it nearly makes it a superior grade sword. It would definitely not be broken by ordinary means."

The sword was famous in the past but once it reappeared in the world it's fame quickly become known once more thanks to its durability and resistance to fire and heat.

Just like the divine ice sects sword that Ki had acquired after their fall which was of the superior grade, the evil flame emperors sword was just a little below it in terms of its quality, durability and its uniqueness because of the materials used.

While the ice sword had been made with millennium ice ore the evil flame sword was made using an ore of the opposite nature.