Stripped clean

The sword was not overly heavy for Ki who used the blood Buddha qi art to temper and strengthen her body but for an ordinary woman it was too heavy for them to hold in one hand.

It was well balanced and made from special materials, had double sided blades and a pointed tip like her current blade but was a little longer in length as it was 30 inches in length while her other blade was almost 29 inches long.

Ki placed her hand by the blade of the sword and along the edge of the blade. "Even as time has passed the blade has not dulled and remains sharp."

The blade, guard, hilt and sheath were all a deep black colour and had no special markings on them which suited Ki's needs.

The divine ice sects superior grade sword was too unique and stood out too much as it was well known and could expose her connection to the survivors but this sword did not have anything too unique about it that could connect her to the evil flame sword.

Not only did it not create any problems for her if she kept it with her but it was also a deep black colour which suited her needs when she wished to remain concealed as she draws her weapon.

In a dark environment many swords metallic blades may reflect the moonlight, a nearby fire or the light from a candle which would alert her enemy before she got a chance to strike or even during the day it would react the same to sunlight.

This sword was black in colour even on the metallic blade part so it did not reflect any light so it was a very suitable blade for Ki's needs. "I will call you evil."

The swords blade was also a little longer so it helped to increase Ki's reach and the increased weight helped to match her increased body strength gained after tempering her bodies skin, tendons and muscles.

While on horseback the swords increased length helped to also increase the range of her swing or thrust against an enemy also on horseback or from a standing position.

Ki removed the sword at her waist and then secured the sheath in its place and then sheathed the sword once again. "Immediately bag up everything. There should be many high grade weapons in his collection so collect them too."

Many experts collect different types of weapons as trophies from their victims or those that they have defeated in battle and the evil flame emperor seemed to have hoarded many types of weapons during his time alive which matched his built up fame.

As everything was being bagged up, Ki selected another sword that was close to master grade that was of a lower quality than her own and handed it to Lumi. "Use this one from now on until you can use your divine ice sword. Once we have enough strength to expose you and your background to the public and defend against any of the backlash I will give you your sects sword back."

Lumi looked at the sword with eyes full of confusion but upon hearing the words, she nodded calmly and held the sword in her hands. "Mm.."

Ki then turned to face Marilyn and the others and spoke. "If you want anything then pick it up yourself from the weapon racks or treasure piles. This will be my treat for you all accompanying me here."

Ki also picked out a new bow and set of arrows, a set of throwing knives and a jade box full of several qi booster pills.

Compared to her previous bow, arrows and throwing knives that were newly built a couple of years ago the newly replaced set may seem older but were made from better materials and were finely crafted.

The bow in particular was made from much better materials and the bowstring was made from a stronger and more durable material which helped to increase the bows weight and the increased the difficulty of the bowstring being pulled back.

The stronger the tension in the bowstring the more powerful and longer the flight of the arrows would fly through the air.

Marilyn acquired a set of daggers and a rapier to replace her current weapons and to increase her versatility, when she is indoors and in a more confined space and cannot use her rapier to its full potential she could still use her set of daggers to increase her chances of defeating her enemies.

Everyone else took one weapon or item for themselves and the rest of the treasures and weapons were placed in the large bags.

Ki held a large bag and then put the remaining books inside carefully, she then walked out of the treasure room after filling it with the books, scrolls and anything else valuable or useful to herself.

Marilyn and Lumi also filled up a large bag and carried it out while following behind her footsteps.

They finally reached the location of the floor pitfall trap once again but Ki did not stop her footsteps.

Marilyn immediately noticed something wrong and ran to catch Ki by the arm in a panic. "Stop.. the trap!"

Ignoring the tug at her arm, Ki took another step forward then turned her head around and smirked. "Hehe I got you."

Marilyn looked shocked as she examined the floor and then looked back to at Ki with eyes filled with confusion. "You.. how?"

A playful smile was on her face as she continued to walk over the pitfall trap and spoke again. "Every trap has a safety mechanism so they can be deactivated immediately to avoid having any accidents. After I showed you how the trap worked I pulled a lever that locked the floor back in place so it would not move. I also did the same for the weighted tiles so they will no longer trigger when they have been stepped upon."

Lumi still looked unfazed by the whole panic Ki had created with a small joke but she still listened attentively as if trying to learn something from Ki's words.

Marilyn shook off her confusion and shock then sighed. "Don't scare me like this. It's not good for my heart."

Ki laughed a little as she was amused by Marilyn's response. "Come on let's go."

Ki, Marilyn and Lumi found themselves back at the carriages and placed their bags full of goods within them before heading back with another couple of large empty bags.

It didn't take long before the whole tomb was stripped clean, Ki did not even spare any of the traps, floor tiles or the crossbows.

Everything was either dismantled or removed from its place, the crossbows and the pressure plates were packed away for Ki to study their structure some more.

Unlike the traps she had learned to make from the poison clan, the pressure plates were much more useful than most types of traps she had learned to build so wished to learn how they work and then apply them around the mansion and other places.

The crossbows were also very lethal so she could at least place them on the walls or in other places to make additional traps and have replicas made.