Two storm the blockade

Ki brought along a group of archers and those who were used to using throwing knives, hidden weapon or dagger techniques.

The group then split in half once again, one group kept to the left side of the road and hid in the forest while the other group travelled through the forest on right side of the road.

Ki and Marilyn removed their half face masks but continued to wear their black cloak to cover their faces and sat upon Ki's horse Raven.

Marilyn who was not used to riding had to hold Ki's waist to remain stable while riding with her and they both travelled down the road slowly as the group that had split up entered the forest and stealthily made their way towards the outside of the camp to check the surroundings.

Horse hooves hit the ground a produced sound even as Raven's footsteps were slow and she was walking as lightly as possible and it didn't take long before the sounds were heard from those within the camp.

As they were discovered Ki nodded to Marilyn and then Marilyn got off the horse and walked forward towards the barricade.

Several people who were on lookout during the night were startled by the horses footsteps that grew closer and immediately woke up those sleeping within the tents and carriages.

It wasn't long before the leader of the group was stood behind the barricade and spoke. "What brings you to this road so late at night? You just woke us all from our sleep so you had better have a good reason or I won't let this go easily."

Marilyn frowned and then spoke coldly. "You are joking right? If you want to camp out then do it in the forest or out in the open and not in the middle of the road. You even set up a barricade… are you insane?"

The leader laughed as he heard the anger in her voice. "So it's a girl! What are you and this other person doing out on these roads so late at night? Don't you know these parts are dangerous… how about you come and join us instead and we will take good care of you."

Behind Marilyn, Ki sat calmly but the moment she heard his words a hint of bloodlust was released from her body.

The leader did not seem to have sensed her intent to kill but some others couldn't help but feel a chill go down their spine at that moment.

Marilyn coldly replied. "No thanks. Aren't you going to move? What about if others pass through here. You are in the way."

The leader picked his ear with his little finger and smiled amusedly. "Oh.. I see you want to go through. What can you give get me to let you pass? What about that other person also?"

Marilyn scowled at him but remained silent after listening to his provocation.

The leader then turned to look at Ki and whistled. "Nice looking horse! You much be wealthy to be able to get such a good horse… you even have armour but for it too? Now that's rare! Say… since I'm feeling generous how about you offer me the horse and spend the night with me and I might think about letting you both through."

However in his mind… the moment he was able to subdue Marilyn he would immediately have the other person killed and take everything they had.

As if sensing his thoughts Ki removed the sword from her waist with one hand and held tightly onto the reigns of her horse.

A light kick to the side of Raven and then Raven charged forward ignoring the fact that negotiations were still under way and the road was currently blocked.

A cold voice came from Ki's direction as she charged forward and Raven leapt directly over the barrier in one go. "You should of just said yes. Then I might have been able to avoid further bloodshed."

As if sensing Ki's intentions early on, Marilyn ran and jumped over the barrier and entered their camp.

She drew her rapier and dagger and then clashed swords with the leader and a heated and fast paced battle took place.

Just as they clashed Ki and Raven had passed over the barricade and ran forward at a fast speed.

With a swing of her black sword named Evil, one persons head was removed from their body.

After effortlessly beheading someone she looked towards evil and smiled. "It is indeed a good sword."

With the speed that Raven was travelling forward Ki did not need to put much effort into her sword as it is deadly on its own and incredibly sharp even after being stored away for so long.

The sword passed through the persons neck effortlessly and then Ki adjusted her swords trajectory to cut towards the next person she was passing by.

One man was in the direct path of Raven but unlike most horses that got startled Raven bravely and aggressively charged forward and crashed into his body and the weapon he had pulled from his waist but he could not even wound her because of the armour protecting her chest, sides, neck and head.

Before he could get out of the way Ravens head turned towards him while still moving and swept sideways knocking him to the ground and then he was ruthlessly trampled upon.

Within the forest several lookouts were spread out and wandered around but all of a sudden a neigh was heard as Raven jumped over the barricade.

As if receiving a signal all of a sudden several people within the forest were instantly fired upon with many arrows.

Before they could put up a fight or escape they were heavily wounded or dead then they were swiftly given a swift death.

Many blood mists began to gather within the forest as those people were wounded or died but nobody could escape from the blood shadow group.

Although an elite group, the blood shadow group are essentially Ki's private force that are raised as hunting dogs.

Assassination, tracking, surveillance, infiltration combined with their blood mystic arts and blood sects martial arts along with many years of training and gaining lots of experience over the past year with the invaders from the north made them deadly once they were told to kill.

After killing the lookouts they circled and blocked off any kind of path of escape and silently waited for further instructions.

If anyone came across them then they wouldn't even know when or how they had died.