New appearance

Raven charged forward in a straight line towards the back of the camp and many people began to react and drew their weapons.

Several arrows flew towards Ki and Raven but they did not dodge or retreat.

As the arrows hit the horses body it was repelled by the armour on Raven's body and a slight movement from Ki sent her sword sweeping out towards the direction of the arrows which either stopped them midair or changed the direction they were flying towards.

Ki held evil in one hand cut towards any enemy on her right side in an upward motion then as the sword circled over her head with a turn of her wrist the sword came back down.

This time she leaned her body to the left as her eyes sharpened, as the sword in her right hand swung from overhead it cut downwards towards the left side of the horse and cut through an enemies neck she turned the sword and her wrist to face inward and swept her sword up which slashed another enemy on the left.

As her next slash hit her target her sword twirled over her head once again as she learned backward to avoid another arrow and used the momentum to swing her body back towards the right side.

As her body leaned back and moved to the right and leaned forward her sword moved from behind her body with the motion she had done and cut towards an enemy in an upward swing.

As if having eyes in the back of her head she did not change her actions and held onto Raven with her legs using more strength and then raised her left hand towards an approaching enemy.

A dart was fired from her sleeve and hit the approaching man that came to her left side and hit him in the middle of his chest making him fall backward from the force.

Ki did not stop there, upon seeing that she had reached the end of the camp she had already cut down or injured many people in her path.

Took out her bow and arrows and took aim while at a safe distance from her approaching enemies.

As she pulled back the bowstring she could feel the difficulty to pull it back compared to her old bow.

Upon releasing it the arrow flew towards the approaching enemy and entered their chest.

However the arrow did not stop because of the power behind the shot and continued through his back and entered the body of the person behind them.

Although the arrow slowed down a little after going through that persons body it's speed was only reduced a little.

The speed it travelled still allowed it to fly towards the man behind who did not expect it to to travel all the way through his companions body.

Caught off guard he barely had a chance to raise his weapon to defend against it but the arrow still flew fast enough to be unobstructed as it collided with and pierced his body.

This proved that the bow and arrows Ki had picked out were of high quality and had high destructive power if placed in the right hands.

The next arrow was put on the bowstring and aimed as Ki calmly took a short breathe.

Back at the barricade, Marilyn was clashing against the leader and having a little difficulty.

Several of the piercing thrusts of her rapier were either blocked, parried or dodged and the two of them entered an equal battle.

There was Marilyn who was a peak martial artist and then the unknown leader of the group that had barricaded the road who had yet to reveal his true strength.

Every time he repelled her rapiers attacks then came another piercing attack to another fatal location on his body so he was forced to take the battle more seriously.

His eyes turned serious the later the battle continued because he could hear the screams of his companions behind him.

He grit his teeth in anger and then yelled. "Are you going to come out? Or are you just going to let this continue?!"

Suddenly a sigh came from one of the tents which was followed by a metallic dragging sound.

A large grizzly looking man came out of the tent dragging behind him a large and heavy axe which he then picked up and placed on his shoulder as he overlooked the battlefield.

A gruesome smile was on his face as he looked at the leader. "You can't even handle two people so what was the point in even hiring you?"

He looked towards Ki on the horse and then smiled murderously as he ran towards her. "I guess I have to finish this quickly and get back to the young lady."

As a transcendent martial artist although he was strong he still was bound by his status, he was a household guard to a noble family and would always be but lately he had got on the young ladies good graces and helped her with many secret things from the family.

The families young lady who he served had ventured down a dark path and he needed extra help so he turned to a mercenary group that his old friends ran.

Although rude and arrogant the group were still willing to look the other way on various things so the young lady was able to do as she pleases without suffering any consequences.

As he charged towards Ki he remembered his young misses words. 'If it is a girl then capture them alive.'

Seeing the large man covering the distance between them at a fast speed Ki jumped down from her horse and urged it to keep a distance away.

An arrow was released before she climbed down towards the man which he blocked with his huge axe.

Although he was uninjured the blow from the arrow did stop his footsteps for a moment.

By the time he regained his footing and stepped forward again, Ki was already on the ground with her sword unsheathed once more.

She slowly sized up her opponent and spoke. "Why did you block the road?"

The large man ignored her and stayed silent as he approached.

He raised the axe over his head as he charged forward and cut downward.

Ki smirked at his tactics. 'So he aims to overpower me with pure brute strength from the beginning.'

She did not wish to play along with him and have a contest of strength even if she could win the battle that way.

She had the blood Buddha qi art strengthening her body and a high grade sword so if she wanted to she would easily fend off such force and a large and heavy weapon however for every clash that was hit head on was just another wasted opportunity.

All the force and weight of the axe that missed its target continued down to the ground.

As Ki sidestepped the blow she used this opportunity to step on the handle of the axe to stop it from being picked back up and cut towards the wrist holding the end of it.

The man seemed used to battle and had good senses so immediately released his grip on the axe but a shallow cut appeared on his wrist as he narrowly avoided losing his hand.

As the battle took place many arrows flew into the crowd and any fleeing people were swiftly dealt with within the forest.

The groups numbers were swiftly dropping after every passing moment and several blood mists began to form within the forest and within the camp site and travelled towards the forest area where the blood shadow group were located.

One persons hatred reached the limit of what they could endure and they slowly crept into the forest with a dagger in their hand.

He kept his eyes on the location the mysterious looking blood mist travelled and followed behind quietly.

He could tell that this would lead him towards one of the hidden enemies so kept following.

Suddenly a hand stretched out from behind a tree and held a dagger at his throat.

Before he could respond he was swiftly dealt with and his body was also drained of its blood forming a new blood mist.

One of the tactics Ki thought of was using the blood mists as a lure.

Normally the blood would travel to someone to be absorbed so anyone smart enough would be able to use this to track the blood mystic users whereabouts.

However if the blood mists were controlled to look like they were seeking out a host then this could be used to lure people into a trap and distract them or lead them away from the hosts true location.