Years pass by 8

In short after many years passed the Bombyx family and Ki had several successful business ventures and slowly researched and developed new idea.

Anything that was new started out within Wolfden city and then another store was opened up in another city if the previous store was popular and made many sales.

Although the family pushed forward many business ventures the resources and people under them allowed them to do so without seeming suspicious to outsiders prying eyes.

Although they had minor conflicts of interest with a few competitors they did not make it so they stole all of the potential customers from their competitors.

Many peak or transcendent martial artists were raised during the time when Ki turned seven and continued to grow and create new groups after she turned eleven and older.

Nox the underground organisation that had control of many gangs and mercenary groups, held some power over the black market, created their own rules in their area and mainly dealt with gathering intelligence.

Reapers the assassin organisation had a cult like following that believed they would become reapers in order to punish those who committed evil deeds.

The entertainment pavilions and other affiliated businesses were the cover for divine ice sect revival but also an extra place to hear gossip and gather information from the unsuspecting customers.

The fifty one people within the blood shadow group only appeared for cleanup, assassination, subjugation and escorting missions but very few people saw them when they did leave for a mission as they only followed Ki's direct orders and did not show their faces behind their masks.

Twenty or so people within the white wolf group were the villages most publicly known main strike force that acted within forest and village.

Finally there was ten yin guards and ten yang guards that were mainly within the mansion grounds and worked to protect the most important members of the family or the organisations behind Ki that had less combat experience.

In addition there were also the pawns she had placed around the central lands that would provide additional intelligence to be supplied to the family.

Meanwhile within the capital the emperor was forced to step down early and appoint a new heir.

The crown prince with a poor background as he was the son of the empresses maid who passed away, to most in the world he earned his title and place without help and established his place during several flooding or disease relief duties that were appointed to him.

Though nobody knew that there were people supporting him from behind so it was difficult for others to find any fault with him over the things he had accomplished.

Once he took the place as the emperor he gained the support of the four great noble families and the martial alliances sects but also those helping behind the scenes and he firmly established his position that could not be robbed from him anytime soon.

He immediately began to send out people to look out for worthy talents to serve him and his country in the hopes of holding onto his title as emperor for many years to come in the future.

Perhaps around this time or later in Ki's previous life it had also been the same as he rose to his position as emperor and began to recruit his loyal aides.

However in this timeline he did not have any hopes of recruiting Isaac or the snow fairy who had helped him achieve many great feats during his reign.

The martial alliance had constantly been on the lookout for any abnormalities in the world but did not find anything suspicious.

They did notice a couple of oddities but after investigating further they only ran into dead ends.

After the second year of searching they were forced to give up using their full resources to search for anything suspicious.

Although they still had a few people keep searching in private they could no longer keep their primary focus on finding the culprit and instead focussed on dealing with the emperors ascension and dealing with the northern borders which had been delayed for a long time.

Nobody within the capital wished to be banished to the northern border where they would constantly be at war so they found no solution for years but after a couple of years passed the war had settled down.

Although the main reason why the northerners had calmed down a little was because they were learning that if they kept trying to invade and break through various cities defences then they would only lose and if they ventured towards the Bombyx families village then they would be massacred without mercy within the forest.

The carrot and stick method was working against the northerners in some ways, those who wished to fight and pillage were subdued, punished and even killed if necessary but those that passed the borders to settle down in a new home or start trading would be given opportunities to build a new life for themselves.

If anything the merchant city close to the borders and the village which was closer played a key part in the progression of the way things had progressed in a good direction without the martial alliances help or assistance.

If the martial alliance had known about this sooner then maybe they would if established friendly relations with the Bombyx family but after leaving those near the border to fend for themselves they could not just show up shamelessly years later and give them a pat on the back saying well done.

However that did not mean that those within the capital would not use this all to their advantage.

The emperor and the martial alliance began to recruit from the public to establish an army that would be sent to the northern borders to protect the central lands from further invasion.

Any survivors that had been through harsh conditions and grew stronger would be rewarded upon their return and the emperor would be able to recruit the useful people from within them.

Celeste within the Baer family could not let go of her rage towards what had happened and had to constantly be coaxed by her husband in order to stop her tantrums that were making most within the Baer family look towards her with cold eyes.

Later into their marriage she was with child but her mood swings became even worse which lead to her losing her child because of early childbirth.

Her husband could no longer handle her irritability any longer and gave her the cold shoulder along with the rest of the Baer family.

After losing her child she sat silently within her bedroom and rarely came out unless it was late at night as she would peer at the stars as if looking for something vengefully.

Her life was always positive and the people around her tolerated her no matter what she did because of her status but misfortune began with Bernard and continued to grow worse.

She married into the Baer family which was a great honour to her family but to her it was too restrictive and while her husband may seem loving on the surface she knew he did not love her.

After the major event that she witness within the stars she woke up feeling more irritable because all her life she knew how things were going to go within the world but could not tell anyone or she would be punished.

Since she knew everything was set in place and could not be changed then she and everyone she cared for would be destined for their own path and live fruitful lives but the sudden huge change revealed that she was wrong in her thoughts.

Nothing is eternal and what looks unchangeable could in fact be altered, it was as if her life teachings had been a lie and life was in fact unpredictable and she and her family were not god like beings that could shape and control destiny as they please.

Ever since the incident with Bernard she was married to someone who she may have not expected to marry and so early compared to what she thought would happen, the family environment wasn't suited for her at all and her husbands fake love drove her crazy, the realisation after witnessing the big change in the stars that lead to her fainting, the oppressive and disdainful stares of the Baer family that grew worse over time, the loss of her child because of her poor mental health and then abandonment after becoming unable to give birth to another child.

The only solace she could find was the stars within the sky during the night, she kept looking as if seeking for a change in the world that would brighten her life once more.

As for her husband after leaving her to recuperate in her home he left her to do as she pleased and went to discuss with the family on how they would handle the fallout from the Estrella family and plan to bring in some concubines to continue his bloodline.

It didn't take long before the wilted Celeste returned home to the Estrella family and began to stay within the family observatory as if it was her home.

From then on the Estrella families relations with the Baer family were somewhat damaged, although they did not become enemies over Celeste's matters they did become a little estranged with each other.

The unorthodox alliance did not show any further movements as they continued to make use of the benefits they got from the divine ice sect but there was something that stood out in their activities.

Although Rayleigh's family had suffered through many losses and humiliation they were still being kept alive as if they were being kept around for a certain purpose.

Those smart enough who knew the inside story behind the family knew that the family were being kept alive in order to lure out Rayleigh and the other divine ice sect disciples.

They hoped that Rayleigh would one day return to them in hopes of making up for her past mistakes or for some other purposes like asking for support but the moment she did contact them those loyal to the unorthodox alliance would close the net on her and get any additional information out of her mouth.

The devil sect continued to remain quiet and kept to their usual activities while waiting to see if they could take advantage of what chaos would appear in the world in the future.

The blood sect also had no more movements as if they had been startled by the previous investigations and subjugation teams in the past but in reality the new sect leader was being raised in secret as they were gaining greater mastery of the blood Buddha qi art with the help of their master.

Thanks to the support of his powerful body and his masters support he was able to make everyone within the blood sect follow his rule and began to form several elite groups that would become useful for his future plans to create chaos within the world.