Darkened phoenix star

Fate is a funny thing.

Fate is mysterious to humans, beasts and plants alike.

So many right choices to make, so many correct steps to take, the right relationships kept and many more variables that lead to the future path that the heavens had recorded.

The Estrella family were able to see this flow of fate and predict the more likely outcome of events within the stars, like a chessboard within the stars the stars move in different directions and are fated to collide with others or interact with them and have many different outcomes.

They cannot identify who the star belongs to from afar but if they came face to face with them then they would know who they are and have a more accurate reading on that individuals fate.

As spectators the Estrella family members cannot see their own fate so believe what the family has taught them.

They are the observers of fate and can shape fate to benefit themselves, those that sacrifice for the families cause will help the family prosper and keep their safety and good luck.

So long as they have used the families qi art and built up enough starlight qi While practicing within the capital their strength would grow at a fast rate and their fates would be destined to be good until the day they die or become sacrificed for the families sake.

So what would happen if that belief was broken by several events and the belief that fate would always be good for them so long as they did not break their own rules was in fact wrong.

Since they cannot see their own fate, they have to rely on what their own family have stated in a few brief words but it was unknown if it was the truth, they may just be words to keep them working hard for the families sake until the time they are abandoned or no longer any use to the family.

There is an example that would show how the family had behaved in the past because of their twisted views, beliefs and way of doing things.

Celeste was born with a good destiny where she would become someone of great influence.

Had she grown up in the Estrella family and they were unable to see her fate then would they be able to show her the love and care they had if they hadn't known of her fate.

In another life or possibility she would be born into the Estrella family, as the family heads daughter she may have been ignored and unsupported by the family while her brother received all the support and praise from the family.

She would of grew up without attention and worked harder than anyone and established her own power without the families help while proving her true value to her family out of spite.

Later she would marry the man of her choosing and grow up happily through the choices she had made on her own, her own efforts and a little bit of luck on her side without her families support.

As a member of the Estrella family she may have been born with this fate but from the moment she was born her father and the elders of the family could see her fate was a good one.

As someone with lots of good luck she was valued by the family and her father provided her with more support and gave her more love than her brother and was more lenient with her.

So unlike her possibly good fate, the families attitude changed to help mould her into a spoiled daughter of the family but still loyal because of receiving the families love and support unlike in her previously determined fate.

Everything was going according to their plan as she was following their plan, she became the phoenix star and became a valued and wanted individual by others.

Had everything gone according to plan she would of later married someone that would of benefitted the family more but she went out of their expectations and control when she went to find Bernard.

This forced them to act hastily to make use of her early and get married even if her marriage was not good for her own sake.

Her marriage was destined to fail many years later after giving birth to a child because of the Baer families oppression and rules that did not fit with her personality according to what the family predicted but they still pushed her into that pit of a life in order to get some final benefits from her.

So long as her mental state remained good, she would continue down this path but the sudden change of so many fates led her to realise that her family were in fact wrong in their teachings.

Was this truly her fate as the family had mentioned where she was destined to be happy or had it been twisted by the family so that it was no longer recognisable.

As she knew, they knew her fate and those within the family were able to influence each other's fate through words and actions and have no consequences because they are all spectators.

No matter what small things they did to influence their family members fate to go off course they would not receive punishment like those from outside of the family.

With her worsening mood and realisation of the truth, she became more irritable and lost her baby and her marriage worsened at a quicker rate than it should have.

After her return to the family, she returned with a vengeance as she appeared to be crazy within the observatory.

She concealed her fate from the family and began to gain access to most of her fathers and elders secret documents and secrets until she found herself at a critical juncture in her research.

Many theories and martial art techniques of the family that had not been fully developed because of their evil nature and not heavily accepted by the martial alliance by her predecessors.

She began to put the pieces together behind her families back and began to gather many likeminded people.

For a long time she stayed within the families observatory until the day in which she could make enough arrangements.

Finally she escaped the family within the capital and so did many of the other family members but some of her fillers remained within the family to keep her informed of the families actions.

After leaving her family behind as if fate was correcting itself to how things should be she ventured down a dark path and began to built her own cult like following.

The fate seizing cult was established with the family members who she identified as those who would be soon abandoned by the family and those who had been poorly treated by the family because of the families unfairness.

She spread her cult to many who were fated to be taken advantage of by others or that were fated to die soon because of some misfortune and began to recruit them into her cult.

As her influence grew in secret many mysterious deaths began to take place within the southern parts of the central lands.

As those people died, their fates that were supposed to be good seemed as if they were being drained away until the star died out according to what the Estrella family could see.

Although they could guess who was behind those actions, they could not track anyone down because those behind it had been disguised from their eyes and only appeared to strike at random targets before they moved on.

As the Estrella family were too ashamed that a high ranking member of their family had betrayed them and was taking such a path they did not wish to involve outside forces to catch her and her following.

Little did they know that this put them at a disadvantage against Celeste who had known all of their secrets, methods and could find ways to conceal herself and others from them.

If they had asked for the martial alliances help from the beginning rather than try to protect their family name and honour or pride then they wouldn't of been able to let her influence and power grow as much as it had.

It wasn't long before they had to eventually seek the help of the martial alliance, news spread that the daughter of the family had run away and anyone that identified her would be given many benefits if they assisted in her capture along with the other members of the family that were assisting her.

It was not revealed what she was doing to the public but a select few knew the true reason behind why she was being tracked down.

Within the world another force was slowly beginning to plant its roots and grow at a fast rate thanks to their corrupted and evil starlight qi art that was being used to steal peoples fate from them in order to increase their strength.

Their core philosophy was to seize their own fate back, take control of their own fate once more and no longer be a slave to it.

In order to do so they must rob others of their fate to improve their luck but also increase their strength.

There are many people in the world who had been stuck in their difficult or boring life that was going nowhere and quickly approaching their death that if given the option would be corrupted by such a cult in order to prolong or change their life.

The phoenix star of the capital had become a dark phoenix star and began to spread her wings without her families cage that had confined her.

Unlike in Ki's previous life where this did not happen, fate had been twisted after her return and some things began to take place that had not happened before in some places.