3 years

Three years had passed since so many fates were changed by Ki and others actions of raiding the evil flame emperors tomb.

Many changes took place within the central lands and even directly within the capital.

A new force began to silently emerge within the world from a traitor of one of the great families within the martial alliance and most of the martial alliances resources were being used to either investigate her or those behind the sudden change of many fates.

With their split resources and the pressure of outside forces growing, the new emperor was facing a big challenge far greater than those before him so he had to request the empress to contact her family to provide him additional help in finding him some useful people to assist him.

Under a mulberry tree within the Bombyx family mansion, a young girl that had a small cloth pouch tied to her waist and dressed in a princess dress with a cute appearance was running around in the grass while giggling.

As she ran she was chasing after a small white bug that was flying through the air and just as her hands were about to catch it, it flew out of her reach.

As she missed her target, she lost her balance, fell forward and then scraped her knee on the ground then began to cry.

A figure approached the weeping child, kneeled down beside her and spoke softly. "You missed it again but you tried very hard my little Naara. You did well. There…There.. wipe your tears away my brave girl."

The little girl looked up at her big sister and jumped into her embrace. "Big sis. Im not hurt anymore."

The two girls were closely hugging under the mulberry tree and suddenly the white bug flew back towards them and settled on the older girls face before disappearing leaving behind a small beauty mark under her eyelid.

The older female lifted the little girl in her arms then spoke. "Let's get your wounds treated first then we can get something to eat."

The two of them made their way back inside of the mansion to treat her wounds.

The young lady that held the young child was Ki Bombyx the eldest child of the Bombyx family and the smaller one was Naara Bombyx.

Over the three years, Ki had begun to grow and mature quickly as she continued with her training and research over the years.

At the age of fourteen she was just about to reach the peak stage of her maturity where her growth was slowing down.

She was much taller and shapely than her previous life as her hips, thighs, chest and buttocks filled out in shape with every growth spurt making her much more attractive than ever before.

Her face had matured along with her body, she was no longer cute looking but was very beautiful and the beauty mark made her even more alluring.

She kept her hair short which helped to show the main features on her face and the tight martial clothing on her body helped to show off her womanly figure, curves but also her clear and jade like skin which had been greatly enhanced from her body tempering, training and healthy lifestyle.

If she dressed in more beautiful clothing, she would attract many people within the world and become a famous figure once she was revealed to the public.

Even after witnessing her own appearance she was surprised by her changes, she had matured at a much faster rate than she had in her previous life and inherited the best parts of her parents and grandmother.

She was no longer the petite and ugly person that needed to avoid the eyes of people in her previous life but now was beautiful, shapely and around the average height of most adult females however now she may still need to conceal her appearance for other reasons.

If she revealed herself in some places without concealing her appearance she could attract the wrong kind of people that would wish to covet her beauty so it was good that she remained as a social recluse to avoid attracting trouble.

Within the mansion, Ki had wiped some cream on the wounds on her sisters knee before going to have a meal with the family.

Over the years, Leon had matured quite a lot as he was made a lot of progress in his training and experienced the love and care of his family.

Elizabeth and Adam sat together and doted upon the youngest daughter who was the spoiled little princess of the family who was telling them about her time having fun with her elder sister.

Agnes sat at the head of the table opposite Ki and looked very youthful after undergoing her training in the evil yin qi art.

Meanwhile Lumi also sat at the table silently as she ate her meal, as someone of the same age as Ki and as she had continued to practice her divine ice martial arts she had grown up to be beautiful in her own way.

If Ki could be described as a mature but alluring beauty then Lumi would be an ice cold and pure beauty.

Although still cold and emotionless, her eyes showed that she had gained a lot over the years whether it be experience or just learning of new things and she had gained a sense of self for herself.

After the meal was finished, Ki spoke up. "I will be going on a trip during this time to the north. How long I will be away will be unknown this time but you will not have to worry about me."

She was feeling restless sitting around and hiding within the mansion for so long so it was time to go out once again like three years ago.