Preparations for the north

Agnes was most aware of her granddaughters restlessness and the feeling of boredom. "Is there anything that you need that the family can arrange?"

Ki responded immediately. "I am in need of a couple of things. I need a merchant pass and a contact that is knowledgable about the north that can get me past the border and to the nearest city. I would prefer someone who I can trust and has done business with the family for a long time."

As for other arrangements, she could arrange them herself so all she needed was a way to make contact with the northern influences and pass the border without obstruction.

A pass was needed to get across the border without being stopped or being suspected for having other motives.

A contact was needed to travel through the northern lands, gain access to the nearest city but also to establish relations with those living there.

Although she did not know the exact details of the state of the north she would be able to gain lots of information from those people which would help to provide a way to pass through without provoking the various forces within the north.

The reason she needed the information was to also confirm what she had known from her previous life.

After the fall of the divine ice sect, the fortress or sect grounds were abandoned after being raided by the unorthodox alliance.

After the border was breached by the northern tribes and various influences of the north in their pursuit of taking over or pillaging the central lands, a certain sect of the north emerged as the main force pushing for war in order to claim a part of the central lands for themselves.

The other forces who held influence within the central lands who could no longer ignore their constant opposition and obstruction of their own forces and ambitions began to fight back against them.

Later when travelling around the northern lands Ki came to know of a couple of influences that had played an active role with the invasion of the central lands.

The northern warlord sect played a big role in the invasion and even in this timeline it should be the same.

They are an unorthodox or evil sect that believed in warfare and using any means necessarily to claim what they believed they had the right to.

Like most in the north they all grew up struggling to live and fighting over very little resources, the moment the borders were no longer protected they saw their chance to claim a fertile piece of land for themselves and also extended their reach and greed towards the cities within central lands.

The core philosophy behind the northern warlord sect was that their best warriors would be enshrined on their walls and in death their best warriors would live in a paradise where everything they wanted would be provided to them, every need would be satisfied.

This allowed them to actively seek war no matter what casualties they suffer or who they used as their pawns to get what they need.

As for the ruins of the divine ice sect they claimed it for themselves and exploited those who passed through the borders.

The surrounding tribes or influences that were suffering from hunger or illness became easy targets to make use of, they spread rumours about how the resources of the central lands were ripe for the picking and let them through the border to be their scouts and expendable warriors that would cause chaos.

Whether it was looting on the roads, pillaging a village, town or city to take it and the resources for their own or setting fire to places and poisoning water sources they mainly did it out of a desperate need for to gain more resources but also out of spite because their enemies grew up in luxury and had rich resources while they were busy living with poor resources and suffering for so long in the cold and dangerous north.

The northerners could either survive the many dangers from infighting, wild beasts, losing limbs or dying from frostbite or illnesses made from the poor food and drink conditions as they always have for thousands of years.

However not everyone would be so strong in body and mind to resist the temptations to get revenge on the central lands or make their lives better with their spoils of war.

If Ki wished to pass through the area controlled by the northern warlord sect then she would need to travel with a group which had dealt with them before over the years and continued to pass through the borders under the sects eyes.

Agnes nodded as if agreeing to her request. "I will get in touch with a group that I have kept working with and get you a pass."

Ki went back to her research room and kept looking through several items that were placed on the shelves.

Several items were picked up and put into several large bags after Ki had chosen from what she had in her room.

Ki finished packaging the last item and closed the bags and several other boxes securely. "Qi replenishing wines and tonics, fire or heat natured wine, tonics and soup ingredients to help warm up the body and fight off the cold, warm clothing, high energy food and drinks and also medicines to help fight infections and the cold. Wound creams and other things to fight off cold, infection, irritation or illness."

Many items that could potentially improve the lives of those within the north and provide many of them some aid, Ki had personally packed each item away to be transported with her during her journey.

Next she met with Isaac and sat down opposite him. "I will be leaving for the northern border this time so I will need everything to be kept in order until I get back. First I will make a trip to see Marilyn to check up on the situation in Wolfden city then when I get back I should be ready to leave."

Isaac thought for a moment and then frowned as he asked. "Are you not taking anyone with you at this time? The last time you were being escorted so shouldn't this time be the same?"

Ki shook her head and sighed. "This time I will be travelling with as few people as possible. I am going to an unfamiliar place with many unknown variables so bringing many people will instead put me at a disadvantage. If I had to bring someone then I will take Lumi with me, anybody else has to remain where they are because the organisation or department under them needs to be taken care of while I am away."

Isaac pondered her words for a while and then nodded. "I agree. Once you are away the leaders need to remain in their position and keep things running smoothly."

Whether it was one of the departments or one of the organisations that she had built, the people closest to Ki were all either a key member or the head of them and the only person who wasn't was Lumi.

Everyone had something to keep running but her and Lumi used her divine ice martial arts so she was the best person to bring along.

Ki thought for a moment and then added. "Contact Rayleigh, she may also be able to gain something from this too."

As the two most talented people within the fallen sect they were able to survive best and train within the cold northern lands.