The approaching end

As the dead bodies of the enemy were quickly piling up below the leader and his closest subordinates stood back and watched the change that took place with a look of shock in their eyes.

They could not believe that the person they had been assigned to kill or one of the people working under Ki was so strong and had managed to go unnoticed during their time within slate city.

Instead of putting pressure on her the more people that joined the fight the more chaos spread and the risk of falling further increased.

The leader signalled the archers to move to a better vantage point where they could possibly get a better view and shooting distance of Ki who was kept busy during the battle,

Although they could shoot they could not see where she was thanks to the smoke bombs effects and they would have to risk firing upon their own men.

However after seeing that things had turned worse the leader signalled to fire.

Meanwhile within the smoke the poisonous blood continued to gather and come into contact with anyone who was or wasn't already infected.

The more wounds that they sustained the quicker their blood was contaminated by it but also the faster they were losing the blood from their bodies.

The blood tribe were a tricky group who relied on surprise attacks and long ranged weapons to wound their enemy and then use their mystical arts abilities to drain the enemies of their blood and store it within their runic tattoos.

Once they are forced into a melee situation or are in danger they have no choice but to use their strength enhancement ability at the cost of some of the blood stored up.

It's like collecting fuel to burn through when it is needed to be used but the more that is burned through the stronger the power that is granted in exchange but it would result in burning through the stored blood faster and put a heavy load on their physical bodies if they cannot handle the physical enhancement beyond their limits.

In fact Ki had poisoned her own blood and suppressed the poison from killing her with her qi in her previous life before her death so she only had to rely on her blood mystic arts in order to manipulate the blood mists and eventually blow herself up to spread her poisoned blood on those close enough to her.

This shows how tricky of an opponent they are to deal with if someone is not careful and is dealt a light and exposed wound before a fight has even started.

Even worse is the fact that with a lot of practice and familiarity while her martial arts and qi had improved, she had also found that her fine control and range of control was slowly growing as her strength was growing.

Combining the use of poison and manipulating that poisoned blood to come into contact with peoples skin it quickly became a hidden trump card that could not easily be revealed to the outside world along with her ability to use Gu worms and her practice on the sole blood sect leaders martial arts and qi art.

Luckily she was in a secluded place and had made use of her smoke bombs to hide her abilities so the enemy just thought that she was difficult to deal with because she was making use of the smoke to launch surprise attacks.

Even some people from below had went around or attempted to climb the walls to get up and launch a surprise attack on her but the moment they entered the smoke they were exposed to the poisonous blood.

As if growing tired of using up part of her poisonous qi continuously she began to look towards her side where her sword was and picked it up once again.

This time she was able to adapt better to the rhythm of their attempts to attack or just their presence as they were attempting to solve their problem that was caused by the poisonous blood that came in contact with them and continued to worsen their condition.

Many people became prey in her eyes and she casually avoided them when they attacked or got close.

Sometimes she would kick towards their knee or ankle to disrupt their balance but other times she would dodge at a weird angle and cut them with her sword.

She targeted their limbs and throat to either end their lives or to make them unable to flee or hold their weapons any longer.

Within the loud noises that were created by the screams of the men she could faintly hear a distant noise of orders being given and the tightening of the bow strings getting ready to fire from different places.

As if predicting the path of the arrows and their estimated trajectory from the locations she had heard the archers were positioned she knew that she was in danger of being hit.

Just as the arrows were fired into the smoke Ki thrust her sword into the chest of a man that was near her and then positioned and held his body in front of her in the path of the arrows

The man was pierced in the back by several arrows in random places on his body.

Just as he was pierced Ki listened for the noise of additional archers but heard nothing so she went towards the wall and dragged him towards her to provide herself some cover while throwing out another two smoke bombs.

One was towards her current location again while the other was below the ledge, she reached out under her clothed and unbound something that was wrapped around her waist and tied and then began to unravel it while removing it from under her clothes.

A long piece of silk cloth was being taken out and she approached the wall where she found some secure part of the wall that would hold and began to tie the silk to a part of it and then pulled at it quickly to make sure that it would hold on place.

As the smoke spread more Ki held onto the long piece of fabric and picked up her bow and arrows and secured them to her body along with her sword in its sheathe and the used the body to the best of its capabilities.

She picked it up so it was in a standing position once more and used it as a shield and pushed it forwards towards the end of the ledge creating a small path between the small amount of people that remained.

Just as the body fell down she could head the sounds of the archers tightening their bow strings once again so she quickly moved through the gap and jumped down while holding onto the long silk cloth.

The silk cloth held her weight securely so she did not fall far and she was able to quickly avoid the oncoming arrows but also scale down the wall at a fast speed as if she was an aerial silk dancer slowly descending down a silk curtain.

When her feet touched the ground she quickly removed her bow and arrows and took aim towards the opposite ledge where she had heard the location of an enemy and fired.

She moved about in the smoke and quickly fired several arrows in different locations.

Many of them had hit her intended target while some had narrowly missed thanks to her roughly guessing their location and not confirming it before firing.

The sounds were heard again but they had been reduced significantly so she decided that it was time to act.

She moved out of her current location and took cover behind a large rock and waited for the archers to fire and then came out once again.

She stepped out from the cover of the smoke with her bow aimed towards the ledge and fired at the first person in her sight and then quickly reloaded and fired upon a man on the nearby who was attempting to fire upon her but was too slow to act.

All of the archers had been dealt with and all that had remained were a small group of people who had unknowingly began to regret taking on this task from their boss.

They lost so many men all at once and this would set them back for a long time.

Even if they do survive they would have to come back and suffer the wrath of their boss for suffering such a big loss just to kill one person.