End of the battle

Again Ki took up her bow and aimed towards the remaining people while firing three arrows together.

Just as she had fired she took out the remaining arrow from within her quiver and fired before her enemy could attempt to close the distance.

She threw the bow and quiver aside to lighten her load temporarily and then ran forward to meet the enemy.

Only a few of her arrows landed on their intended targets but it was enough to cause them a great deal of harm and also disrupt their rhythm.

Just as they were getting closer and had narrowly avoided or blocked the arrows with their weapon they had stepped a little closer but even though Ki had been fighting for longer she still looked like she was most enthusiastic about meeting them head on.

Suddenly Ki had closed the distance and drawn her sword upon the first person near her as she had avoided the axe that he threw as she got closer.

Her body entered within the group as cut someone as she passed by and then spun in a circular motion on the ice and landed a slash upon many of their waist area.

Some only suffered a light wound that were a transcendent martial artist within the group but those that suffered the worst of the arrows and her sword wounds were several peak realm martial artists but they were quickly dealt with by Ki's swift swordsmanship.

Just as she was regaining her footing and control on the ice another axe was aimed towards her shoulder but instead of dodging or parrying she just bent back a little and thrust her sword at a weird angle so that it would strike upward and towards the location of the attackers arm that was holding their axe.

She quickly pierced his arm as his arm came down towards her which made him lose his grip of the axe.

Thanks to her attack the momentum of the axe was stopped and slowed down so it allowed her to be able to catch it as it had fallen.

She heard a noise close to her side so she quickly tossed the axe towards the noise which resulted in a groan before turning quiet once again.

Meanwhile the sword that she had stabbed in the man in fronts arm was removed and then thrust into his heart.

She removed it quickly as she avoided another attack from what she believed to be the leader of the group who held two small sickle like weapons that had metal chains attached to them.

The weapon missed her and hit one of his allies so he pulled the chain back to retrieve his weapon while the other hand began to throw the other in her direction.

Suddenly a smirk appeared on Ki's face as she thought. 'Interesting choice of weapon.. I wonder if the reaper would like this thing. I will bring it back as a gift for him.'

Although she had managed to wound or kill some of the transcendent martial artists within the group she still had to deal with this final opponent.

However instead of thinking about how to deal with him instead she thought about the rewards that she would gain after cleaning up their bodies.

Just as he was approaching closer she avoided the attack of the small sickle that was pulled back towards the leader and she threw out three throwing knives forward as she narrowed the gap between them.

Just as he was about to catch his sickle that returned and send out an attack with his other hand upon Ki he felt the stabbing pain of the three knives entering his body.

Ki had caught onto the moment when he went to catch his sickle to land an attack upon his body with her throwing knives.

Although he could of fended them off with his other hand he was too focussed on splitting his focus between catching the sickle and also attacking Ki who was close so he could not afford to spare any more effort to block the throwing knives at such a critical time when they came so suddenly.

As the knives entered his body his fighting rhythm was disrupted and he could not put his full force into his swing.

Ki blocked his sickle and turned sword forcing the sickle from his hand as she moved her sword down the handle of it and cut at the hand holding it.

As she dealt that blow another swing came from the side in retaliation but she lowered her body to avoid it and stabbed the swords tip into his foot.

Ki stood up and grabbed onto his arm and locked it in place as she was holding onto the outer side of his arm after he missed the strike on his intended attack then her other arm grabbed at one of the knives in his chest.

Quickly she removed it and used it to stab at his exposed neck ending his life.

She removed the sword from his foot that had rooted his body partly in place and his body began to fall towards the ground.

She then walked towards the remaining bodies that still seemed to have some life in them and proceeded to end their lives while she listened carefully for the sounds of any other life signs.

After finishing up she sat down upon a large rock and closed her eyes as all of the blood in the surroundings gathered and began to be absorbed into her runic tattoos.

Completely absorbing all of the blood and poisoned blood into her storage she stood up and began to look over the battlefield and sighed. "Now is for the clean up and collection of the spoils of war."