Possible targets

Although Ki did not hear their words and thoughts, she put her trust and faith in those that she had let get close to her over the years.

The problem was never that she did not trust them but that the world is far too unpredictable.

Danger could be around the corner at any turn and she could not predict everything that would happen as a result of her and her peoples actions.

Even the words that she had said could instead result in poor results because in their efforts to not bring trouble to her and the family they could end up hurt as a result.

Within the meeting room, Marilyn returned and sat opposite her putting down many documents with information and drawn portraits of many martial artists. "I have collected as much information as possible but this was all I could get. Some are rumoured to be close to a breakthrough or have already achieved it but the most important people are the ones that are not affiliated with a strong backer or sect that could potentially become targeted. Some belong to a noble or merchant family while some others belong to a mercenary group or a group of criminals. They all seem to be the main thing holding that family or group together but that also puts them in a difficult position. Without a backer but also their lifestyles allow others access to their daily lives or schedules and there could be a risk of others implanting spies within their ranks or turning their own people against them."

Ki nodded as she agreed. "If someone strong is rooted to one place, especially a noble family home as an example or even a joint mercenary lodging then the moment they let down their guard to those around them whether it be their servants, family members or even their closest friends they run the risk of losing their life even if they are an Unrestrained Realm martial artists. One meal or drink that may have been carefully poisoned at the right time could be the thing that would lead to their death or capture."

That also included those who had a family member or subordinate who wished to seize power from them and was willing to work against them to even help arrange the poisoning and transportation of their body directly to the Blood Sect.

Just because they were the group or families main support and claim to glory did not mean that they were indispensable to those around them, in fact some would rather take the risk to get rid of them when the chance presented itself.

Of course the end result was not always to go the way they expected.

How could such a big organisation like the Blood Sect possibly allow leaks for such a large operation?

It must be done to the upmost secrecy so there would be a follow up mission given to their people to silence anyone who could reveal their involvement.

By the time everything had been done, there would be no witnesses left and the rest of those around their place of living would later find out that many people had disappeared during the time of the plague but by then it was already too late to investigate or even try to save their lives.

She continued to read the documents and said. "Two are rather close by which is surprising, I had not heard about them before so they must have moved closer only recently after the improvement of the northern parts of the central lands. Those two belong to a noble family that are situated in the northeast and the northwest which have always been under heavy tax from the army that has control over those borders. Moving up north where there is no imperial control and has experienced a decrease of attacks from the northerners shows that they wish to live without being under others constant demands but they also are smart enough to read the flow of the world a little so keep an eye on them and find a way to get some spies to infiltrate their family."

Marilyn looked over and asked. "Do you wish to subdue them like the others or do you have other plans in mind?"

Ki shook her head and spoke in a cold tone. "If they can prove useful I will discuss that later after I have found a way to save them… first we have to find a way to implant them with a Tracking Gu so that we never lose them no matter if they are dead or alive and no matter how far away they are. As for the others… there is one that has caught my interest. The man who is a lone mercenary.. he seems to have a sick relative that he is working as either an escort or guard to keep them in better health. Perhaps we can potentially recruit them as they seem to have some experience in participating in some larger battles. The others.. they all have similar stories. Chance encounters which have lead them to their current strength but they have wasted it by using their power to hurt others. Mercenaries supporting their brothers in arms or a bandit or murderer that came across a stroke of good luck after killing one of their victims… some can be used but others can't be trusted. However they all must be tracked at all times so I wish for this operation to go smoothly and be accomplished before the next couple of months as a deadline."

Marilyn looked them over and explained. "The one's closest to us should be easy to arrange since noble families are always looking for a new servant or cook within their household but even so they would usually go through the proper channels. This can be solved easily with the right contacts that can help us slip our people within their new recruits but in other places that we lack greater control, it would be more difficult."

Ki sighed and continued. "Do not be in too much of a hurry to succeed. Make sure that everything goes unnoticed and it is completed before the chaos sweeps through the land. That is all I ask of you."