
A couple of weeks passed by yet again as everything was proceeding smoothly without any major incidents.

Many had experienced a breakthrough or were currently in the process of raising their overall strength a little at a time.

Isaac was busy going over the major affairs of the family to assist with anything but he also assisted the old man to research further with the ancient runic markings.

Rashida was training hard to promote her own strength but also to absorb the Unrestrained blood along with her subordinates who were also undergoing harsh training.

Marilyn stayed within the mansion for a little while to gain further insights but her main task was to run Nox and carry out Ki's wishes so she had no choice but to go back to Wolfden City.

Miranda and Evie were busy dealing with both internal and external matters of the family and their business.

Rayleigh and Lumi still stayed within the mansion to further their training but also stabilise their realm after their breakthrough.

Elizabeth also achieved a boost in strength after eating the pill but her foundation was a little unstable compared to the others so she failed to breakthrough the transcendent realm in one go but Ki spent some time with her so that she can properly train to efficiently absorb the remaining cold qi of the pill.

All of her family were steadily getting stronger or at least able to better protect themselves and even her little sister Naara was being introduced to the best training manuals of the Divine Ice Sect along with their qi art.

Although young and lacking in experience with these things, it was fine to let her gain a familiarity with some forms but also the qi arts way of breathing to inhale pure air/qi and exhale impure air/qi in a certain rhythm.

Even Leon was gaining more familiarity with his swordsmanship after practicing with her for a long time.

However not everything could stay as they are forever..

Ki finished looking over some messages that had been sent and said. "It seems that Marilyn's job will take a little longer than previously expected but we still have plenty of time."

Marilyn had began to slowly select suitable people for each task to get close enough to the targets that had been selected as potential sacrifices for the Blood Sect leaders growth but to make sure that there are no flaws in the plan she decided to take everything slow and not act immediately.

Unlike the other Gu worms that are harmful in some way to those that have consumed them, the tracking Gu worm only has one purpose which allows the target to be tracked no matter how far away they are.

Unlike the restrictions of the other Gu with have a certain range in which needs to be kept to use the Gu worms abilities or even track their location, the tracking Gu does not have this problem.

Once consumed, Ki will be able to keep track of them at all times even after they suddenly disappear one day she would be able to find them.

All she had to do is wait for the Blood Sect to act after her Gu worms are placed in those peoples bodies then they can lead her to a hideout that they would use to collect the Unrestrained blood for the new sect leader.

After finishing her work and going over many of her tasks, she left the room to go and bathe.

She got changed into a powder blue robe with a long skirt and placed a semi see through veil bottom half of her face. "I think that this will be enough."

However she did not forget to attach some small needles within her bracelet and small throwing knives on her legs underneath her dress.

She chose a white fan with flowers embroidered on them to carry with her as she exited her room.

After dressing up she headed out of the mansion as she greeted her family members who were waiting nearby and said. "Shall we go now? It will begin very soon so if you do not wish to miss the fireworks and everything else then we must arrive a little earlier."

Leon stood by the side holding onto little Naara's tiny hand and spoke. "We have not been out anywhere to have some fun in a long time. It will be good to just have one day to relax a little."

Ki looked over at Evie who was also standing close by and couldn't help but think. 'It seems that my little brother is still a little slow when it comes to the feelings of the opposite gender. However it is best to leave them to discover their own feelings naturally..'

For this trip or outing, Ki had chosen several escorts to accompany them or watch from afar in case of emergencies but for the main people who were coming with her, she chose to bring Evie and her little brother and sister. "Okay then let's head out before mom, dad or anyone else decides to come and join us. It would be good to leave them with some time to themselves so do not do anything to make them worry about you."

Leon grinned as he linked arms with her as he pulled his sisters towards the carriage as Evie quietly joined them. "Yeah let's go already! Winter festival here we come!"