Blood Sect Base #2

Behind the corpse puppets within the passageway, Ki, Rashida and the other numbers' arms and back lit up with a red light as they controlled all of the blood within their range.

All of the newly gathered blood formed a large sphere but Ki took hold of a part of it and created a new smaller sphere.

Her hand had a layer of white qi that had been slightly dyed a slight pinkish red colour after being influenced by the progress with her Generation Qi Arts and her Bloody Qi.

As her hand passed through the large sphere of blood, her Noxious Qi began to transform the blood sphere making it become very dangerous as it quickly mixed with it.

After seeing that it had been completely corrupted, she took out her bloody hand and cancelled her Noxious Palm Art.

After that, the blood that had come from the two bodies entered and mixed within the large sphere.

The sphere broke apart and began to form into many poisonous blood droplets.

Just as the many peak and Transcendent men and women were beginning to attempt to destroy the corpse puppets and avoid being injured they found that they were having some difficulty in fighting them.

Most had attacked with weapons to better destroy the heads or remove them but one of them was a fist martial artist who foolishly tried to punch the corpse.

He looked down at his fist which had taken on a gruesome appearance as the poison spread on his skin and slowly was absorbed into his body, a look of realisation was in his eyes but also regret. "Its poison!"

As those words were said, many blood droplets passed over the heads of the corpses and began to fall upon the many people fighting.

Many screams followed as many of them may have very high regenerative abilities but their poison resistance was somewhat lacking.

The combination of the poison from the corpses and Ki's Noxious Qi was mixed with each of the blood drops and caused them to experience a great amount of pain as it spread further very quickly.

Many of them felt different things at once whether it be boils forming in their body, itchiness, stinging pains, burning feelings on the skin and even worsening conditions that may have had a droplet land near their eyes, ears, nose or mouth.

As this happened, a red and bloody qi shield was put up around the elders body to protect him but as he did, he began to notice the strange appearance of his qi shield as it came in contact with the droplets.

During this time of distraction, the corpse puppets began to attack in full force further wounding them or even killing a few of them when distracted.

The elder had a look of worry on his face as he saw the sudden change. "Damn! How troublesome.."

He had never seen this combination of abilities used together and so well done.

There were no records ever stating the use of Mystical Arts being used this way.

Blood Mystic Arts were always known for their sneak attacks and the draining if blood from their enemies wounds but also their final trump card which enhances their combat power for a short time, the Gu clan were known for the secretive techniques used to kill others from a far away place but what had him confused was the additional element that had been included.

A look of realisation shone in his eyes. 'The Poison Clan too!? But why us?'

There were some poison, venom or alchemy sects or clans within the Central Lands that existed but they all would never be seen to be cooperating with the Eastern tribes or clans unless they wished to be branded as traitors and hunted down and possibly even destroyed completely.

The only proficient enough Clan that could cause this kind of damage would be the previously fallen members of the Great Families who had ran away to the Eastern Lands.

Although they had a hard time settling down and made some enemies within the Eastern Lands, they had long been integrated with them after many generations of building friendly relations and the diluting of their Central Lands bloodline.

However they had not returned after settling in the Eastern Lands as if they feared being hunted down if they tried to reenter to the place they once called home.

The chances of them working together with others on this attack was very slim but after seeing the mixture of Mystical Arts and poison, this was the conclusion that the elder could come up with.

As he inspected his qi shield, he drew his sword and remained vigilant if the blood drops and also the dying disciples around him as the blood was removed from their bodies around him quickly.

A large amount of blood continued to gather as Ki stepping into the room with a sword in hand, a murderous look was in her eyes.

She lifted the flask from her waist and began to drink from it while standing behind the seven corpse puppets as they held off the remaining enemies.

A large amount of blood formed behind her and blocked off the exit behind her which was controlled by the others.

A look of clarity and serenity appeared in her eyes after taking a drink of the wine within the flask, she placed it back on her waist and applauded. "Truly a ruthless fellow. Still standing back even after all of your men are dying within your turtle shell."

The elder scoffed indifferently after hearing her taunt and continued to avoid being infected.

Many poisonous blood mists began to crash against his blood qi shield and corrupt his qi and slowly weakening his defences.

The fallen blood droplets that had dropped began to rise again and gather with the blood of the injured and dead within the room but here seemed to be only two others that were not affected by the attacks.

The man at the back of the room was still unconscious despite the sudden battle starting near him and then there was the elder who had been able to protect himself.

In the middle of the room the elder calmly approached with a vicious and challenging look in his eyes towards Ki. "What? Are you going to continue to hide?"

A smirk appeared on Ki's lips as she mockingly looked at the elder. "Really now… do you think I would be so stupid to take on an Unrestrained expert as such as yourself without some backup? You must be joking."

As she lifted the cloaks hood from her head, her brown hair and the upper half of her face was revealed.

A cold and murderous red light flickered in her blue grey eyes for a moment and disappeared, the small mole like marking was also underneath her eyelid, the half face mask but also the youthful and healthy skin tone appeared before the elders eyes and he asked. "You… what are you?"

As she removed her cloak, more things began to be exposed in front of him whether it was her youthful body that was bursting with vitality but also the red patterns glowing on her body, she calmly smiled as she raised her sword in front of herself. "Me? I am simply an abomination. Something that should have never been made but still exists."

The combination of her various abilities would be seen as not possible as many believed them to be incompatible, once mixed together they were each playing their own roles to enhance her combat power.

If she were to explain what she was… she would probably describe herself as something like abomination or chimera.

Many things put together to form one living being that possesses frightening abilities beyond that of the average human…