Sound Clan Leader #3

What she wished to see most was the helplessness, despair and anger as the beautiful woman's noble appearance had shattered upon the truth being revealed but in the end she did not get the result she wanted.

She took out a dagger and placed it by the woman's throat and then took it back. "No. No. No. I can not let you die here. It is best if you just disappear, that would look less suspicious and if you suddenly died here then I would be the main culprit."

Although some suspicions may fall upon her later about her meeting, not many actually knew about it besides herself and the clan leader and a couple of people on her side.

Even if someone else knew, she had enough support and ways to overcome any accusations.

So long as there was no direct evidence or a body then she would be fine in the end.

She calmly called out sweetly. "Grandpa."

An old man who seemed to possess a large amount of strength far beyond the average person entered the room and looked at the clan leaders body. "Good job. Now our goals will finally be accomplished."

He was an elder who had served by the previous clan leader and also the one before him.

He did not possess enough talents and a strong enough connection to the main families bloodline to take up the position of the head of the clan and then had to watch his talented son wallow in despair as he was reduced to giving up on his pursuit of Sound Arts after enduring the ridicule but also the reality that he would never be able to rise to a higher position so long as the clan leader lived.

The granddaughter was not as skilled as the new clan leaders daughter but she was good at acting and scheming so after various tricks and schemes but also the support of another noble family with a similar strength as their own, they were able to arrange various things like the daughters one night stand and the death of the clan leader.

Many years had passed and the alliance and goals had remained the same between the old man and that family thanks to the blood connection between his granddaughter and heir of their family.

Over the years, he and his bloodline had grasped greater control of the family but there were still some within the clan who still supported the current clan leader because of her talents and the wish to revive the clan.

Since what they had done in secret could not be exposed in public or be used until the time was right for them to seize power, they had long kept quiet about it all while slowly building up their power and control behind the clan leaders back.

Their greatest fear was the clan leader finding out their secrets early and there was also the declining estimated time that was believed to be when the clan leader may break through to a higher realm which will make her even more difficult to deal with.

However a group of mysterious people approached them during this time and provided them a simple way of removing the biggest thorn in their sides.

The old man was eager to see his bloodline seated on the head of the family position or as the new main family bloodline, the other family wished to gain more power through their relationship but also some more control over the other clan so when a solution appeared they readily took the chance.

All they needed to do was follow the plan and leave the clan leader to those people and then they would be able to seize the power or influence that they desired.

After putting the clan leader and the body of a teenage boy within a small run down carriage, the elder placed a letter inside the hands of the servant that had helped load the bodies. "You should know the meeting location. Upon meeting them, you must hand over this letter. After completion, you will be rewarded enough to let you live well for the rest of your life."

The servant had an excited look in their eyes and quickly got up onto the carriage to travel towards the meeting place.

As the carriage left, the old man left and appeared back in front of his granddaughter. "Now we will wait for the discovery of the missing clan leader and her son. A little later we can damage her reputation further and spread rumours saying she ran away with the true father of her child. This will gain more sympathy towards your man but will also make things more accepted when you announce the origins of your child. After she has been missing long enough to be declared dead then we can arrange the wedding tying us together properly.

The granddaughter grinned happily. "Finally we were able to beat her."

The elder suddenly thought of something. "By the way…who was the man that she spent the night with back then?"

The granddaughter had a confused look on her face and sighed. "I really do not know… the arranged person did not succeed and someone else seemed to take his place but I was unable to find clues on who it was. Why do you ask grandfather?"

The old man replied with a troubled tone of voice. "Nothing… Its just that it seemed a little strange is all. Either it was an accident back then that made the plan go as it did.. or something else beyond our control happened. However there is no point in worrying about these things now, if it was the second one then they must have not attached much importance to that night and forgot about her if they have not shown up over the years and announced who they were."

The granddaughter looked at him angrily. "She couldn't possibly be that lucky could she? Well.. even if she was, it is all useless now. Hahaha."

After her little tantrum, she went back to her room to see to her son with a happy smile on her face.

Many years of enduring humiliation had come to an end and soon, she would become the noble queen of the main line of the clan.

Not only would she gain the husband she desired, she would gain the recognition for her child's origins and have all of her previous faults and bad rumours wiped out one after another until everyone knew that she was the noble one and the previous head was just a dirty and shameless woman that even abandoned her clan and responsibilities.