Sound Clan Leader #4

No matter what kind of family, clan, organisation, sect or group it is..

It can easily be torn down if their main support is lost, many clans were living very rich lives full of everything they needed until the day they were plotted against by others outside of their clan or a plot from within that resulted in the loss of the sole person or group of people that had kept them living the lives they had been used to.

In this case, the other clan already had ties with the old man for a long time and his granddaughter had already known the man who was to be the clan leaders husband as arranged.

This agreement was made resulting in both sides holding eachothers weakness and secrets but the end goal was thensame.

They wished to remove the main line andplace someone that shared both families bloodlines in the main seat within the clan.

However the problem was that they had backed the weong people from the start because of fear of being put underneath the clan leader after she gains enough strength.

Additionally although she may be talented, itnwas not enough to back her with their support since nurturing a Mystic Real powerhouse takes a lot of time and effort, by the time she was expected to break through was far off in the future and by then she may have already died from one of their plots.

As she was growing older and gaining further insights into her Sound Arts, she was looking to be more promising and would soon become that pillar that would help hold up the families and give them more power but it was already too late.

The other family could not just back out now that they had already betrayed her trust and harmed her, the heir of the family also did not have any feeling for her and was obsessed with the elders granddaughter so there was no going back.

As the years passed, they all became more uneasy for the time that was approaching so tried to use ways to keep her busy and distracted while planning a way to remove her.

If she broke through and somehow found out the truth then they would not just be under the clan leaders thumb like they previously hated the idea of but instead they would be slaughtered.

A Mystic Realm could be considered as a walking disaster, the slightest provocation or outburst could cause fatal consequences asa result of them releasing their strength.

Worst of all was that she practiced Sound Arts, it was rumoured that she should already capable of killing others from far away and without the attack even being seen before it landed so upon breaking through, she should be able to cause even further destruction and death upon reaching that realm.

She was far too interested in the clans matters, Sound Arts and her son to care about other things so it was also difficult to find a time to remove her but their biggest advantage was that she still trusted in the elders granddaughter so when those mysterious people came looking for them with a way, they took the chance.

Right now they were celebrating their short sighted victory after removing the sole person that could bring back the clans glory but perhaps in a couple of years when they were met with a difficult situation they could not handle, maybe they would come to regret their short sightedness all those years ago.

Outside of the city a servant drove the carriage to the specified location and met up with two cloaked people.

Unlike the previous missions, this task involved more of a need to conceal their true motives and strength.

It was also rumoured that Sound Art users have a weaker and more fragile body compared to those who wield the sword so they did not attach so much importance towards exposing all of their people and using force or intimidation to get what they want.

It was better if less contact between both parties was reduced as much as possible and the exchanges be done by those who are more disposable.

That way those taking the task can avoid investigation and retaliation from those clans who will wish to remove any witnesses of what they had done.

Since they would remain quiet because it was not in their best interests to reveal the truth, it made it easier to arrange things this way and it saved the other's involved from waiting in hiding for the others to appear when there could possibly be some kind of betrayal involved.

Since a servant was sent to deliver the mother and son together along with a letter, it meant that they no longer had ties with each other and the only one who knows of this arrangement and had met them was the person in front of them.

After reading the letter, the cloaked people smirked playfully. 'They sure are smart.. this is why I like working with nobles.'

To others they must look like they are just cleaning up after the nobles dirty secrets and plots as they fight among and destroy themselves from within which was why they had sent the servant who was also a witness to the plots.

The instructions on the letter were very obvious and easy to predict based on the nature of those nobles.

They clearly wished to remove any witnesses and passed off the job to others to do so they can continue to look clean to the outside world.

One of them calmly said while putting the letter away. "Follow me and you will need to help bring them to a safe location. Your master said you need to witness their deaths and then you can receive your rewards."

The other cloaked person looked at the happiness and greed within the servants eyes and thought to themselves. 'Idiot.'

The servant was just another pawn to be discarded not knowing that they would never receive what they had been promised.

However both of them could not say that they were any different, if anything had went wrong with the hand over of the captives then they would soon die after being used by those above them in the same way.

The difference was they they knew they were being used and prepared beforehand in case of emergencies while the servant was weak, helpless and all on their own.

While they were on the road and heading towards the location of the base, there was a slight sound and then the carriage swerved in a different direction from the roads path finally coming to a stop.

A thud followed as something heavy had fallen, the two cloaked figures got out to check what was happening but were met with the sight of several other cloaked and masked figures who had already gotten close to the carriage. "We were betrayed? Did they follow?"

Although it was a possibility, they had been careful and kept a lookout so they would not have been followed or caught by surprise if the other party happened to break the agreement so this should not have happened but in the end they had been caught off guard after being attacked on the road.

They believed that the noble clan must of acted to remove any additional witnesses to their crime and remove any additional problems in the future since they did not know their true backers and identity, if they did know then they would be fearful of facing the retaliation.

In reality, the two clans acted according to the agreement because they believed that even if someone later showed up to blackmail them, they had already washed their hands of the incident and were clean.

All they needed to look pitiful and then point the finger towards the true masterminds of the death of their clan leader.