Lucky Murderer #2

In the present day, he was spending his time with his current companion away from his men.

He had been unable to produce a child with any of the women that he had slept with so as he was getting older, he was growing increasingly impatient.

The young lady poured him a drink and began flattering him so that she could escape his beatings as usual.

Just as he was about to continue his long night with her, he felt sleepy and fell onto the bed unconscious.

The young lady put away the sweet smile on her face and revealed a crazed and gleeful look as she gazed upon his body. "Did you think that I had forgotten about him just because I was being so kind to you lately? Hahaha no way! I would kill you now but those who ordered this wish for you alive."

She had been another victim of his lust and envy, he envied the man she was in love with and killed him then took her for himself.

The man was her lover and the person she expected to marry, after losing him and being repeatedly tortured by the man before her, she was preparing to face death very soon so kept resisting his beatings hoping to be beaten to death and join her lover in death.

She was too afraid to commit suicide so she continued to suffer under his hand for more than a month.

However there was a group that approached her and offered her the chance for revenge resulting in the current result.

She had worked hard to get into his good graces and make him believe that she had truly fallen for him as if she had been thoroughly tamed by him.

Upon being given the opportunity, she placed the poison into his drink and awaited the effects to take effect.

Since he kept her somewhere secluded, there were no problems with being interfered with and the people she was working with could come to pick her up.

After being picked up by them and getting help to transport the body, they headed onto the road towards the Blood Sect base that was the closest to them.

Sitting inside the base being surrounded by many creepy looking pale people with red eyes, instead of being scared she kneeled down towards them expressing her gratitude even offering herself to them.

As someone who wished for death and had achieved her revenge, she no longer had the hope to survive but in fact welcomed death.

She was aware that these people were dangerous and would kill her to silence her upon achieving their goals but readily accepted her fate.

However what she wanted did not happen.

An elderly woman looked at her with eyes full of care. "Why are you in such a rush to die? How about I take you as my disciple and you join the sect? If you can become strong enough then you will not be trampled on so easily by others."

The old woman believed her to be a good seed, it is often that those who have already endured a harsh life are able to adapt to the sect better and have a greater desire for power.

She was also someone with a similar story to the young lady so she understood the despair that she felt and believed that she could turn that hopelessness and despair into a cold and ruthless disciple that she had taught personally.

It was easy to motivate those that had vengeance in their hearts or those that had been constantly trampled on, she could be the person to place a blade in the young ladies hand and whisper sweet temptations to guide the blade towards others just like she had done by leading her to poison the captive.

The biggest difficulty was persuading the young lady to live but since she was unable to take her own life, there was more than enough time to change her mind within the base until the task has been completed.

However before they could complete the task, the door was opened and a battle broke out.

The old lady fiercely resisted along with the many disciples under her but the initial surprise attack lessened their numbers and the enemy quickly seized their advantage.

After many clashes with the enemy, they were able to push back a little but before they could land a fatal attack many throwing knives swiftly killed many of them reducing their numbers further allowing the enemy to gain the advantage again.

The old lady tried her best to use her full strength with her old body but was pushed back by the two opponents.

When the others around her fell, another opponent appeared to assist the other two people she was fighting against.

Ki who had helped out several times with her throwing knives, clenched her sword and joined the battle between unrestrained experts. "She is a peak unrestrained elder of the Blood Sect, do not let down your guard just because she looks old!"

Although it was not rare for an unrestrained realm to appear on a task, having someone with her strength was less likely to appear unless the task required additional surveillance because of its difficulty.

As someone with an elder status, she did not need to be deployed unless it was a very important or more difficult task that needed to be completed.

The strength of the captive must be very high or they would be difficult to capture unless someone more experienced is able to influence various events leading to success.

When Ki joined the battle, she was able to make up for the slight power gap after adding an additional person to the wandering swordsman and the headhunter who were having a hard time inflicting a fatal wound to her.

With some cooperation between the three of them, they were able to gain a moment between the clashes of their weapons to allow Ki to attack from tricky angles and use her unpredictable fighting style to catch the old woman off guard and disrupt her fighting strength.

The old lady was worn down by the three if them and made a mistake in the end resulting in her chest being pierced by Evil in Ki's hand followed by a beheading cut from the headhunter.

They quickly came across the remaining people in the room which was a young lady and the captive.

The young lady kneeled down with a look of anger in her eyes. "No! You cannot let him live! He is evil! Kill him and then kill me! Do it! Aaah!"

She feared that these people would try to save the man and let him loose on the world once again.

Ki turned to those unrestrained realm experts that followed her and spoke. "You two may leave for this next part. I will explain the details later and give you an explanation, this matter is not as simple as the others where we can just save someone."

They both left the room as Ki walked towards the young lady. "I promise. So go on before him. Find peace."

Upon listening to Ki's words, her eyes became bright and no longer dead looking, angry or crazed. "Thank you…"

Her sword pierced through the young ladies heart killing her and then she walked towards the man that was chained up and cut off his head with one stroke of her sword.

The blood from their bodies travelled towards her and was absorbed into her runic mystical tattoos, the rest of the blood within the room was absorbed by the others.

She left the chained up and headless body as it was and set up a trap before leaving.