Lucky Murderer #3

After arriving outside without the captive, Ki looked towards the confusion on the wandering swordsman's face and explained calmly. "Before saving everyone, we did an in depth investigation into their deeds and determined if those people should be saved. There have been those that had been killed before saving you both and the others before and after you. We have more than enough proof and gathered information to help determine if he should be saved or not, he had committed far too much evil in the world and did not deserve to be saved."

The wandering swordsman looked distressed and asked. "So why did we move to attack this base if we did not come to save them?"

In his view, the act of saving innocent lives was a way to repent for his past actions but this attack was only to slaughter more of those involved with a greater plot.

He did not feel good being used like this even if he had a grudge against these people for the acts that they had committed.

Ki smirked behind her mask and mockingly spoke to him. "This attack was not to strike at the heart of an evil influence and save many lives but to do some damage to them and save those worth enough to be saved. I saved those who should be saved and disposed those who were beyond redemption. From my sources, the person we could have saved was a sinner and not someone who could be changed. He would only continue to commit evil deeds."

She took a breath and continued. "However his information was very suspicious in a way that suggests that he may have some hidden and dark secret that he had discovered during his youth allowing him to gain his advancements in strength and allowing him to survive for so long. I suspect that he had somehow got his hands on a devil or death qi martial art of some kind that can explain his fast increase of strength despite having no support or backing from the beginning. This would also help to explain many of his actions and his irritable personality."

If a devil or demonic art is not harmful to the body then there may be other consequences upon practicing it.

There exist many martial arts that help the user to increase their strength quickly but have a large influence on their emotions making them more irritable and temperamental.

Those practicing those types of martial arts are often lost in their violent emotions and have a difficult time controlling themselves.

For someone with lower origins to stumble across such a martial art, it would be very easy for such a person who is of a young age to be unable to hold back their impulses and act in the heat of the moment resulting in the murder of someone they they had loved deeply for a long time.

Even if the argument and rejection was done harshly, his feelings for her may have let him hold back from hurting her if he had been brought up with decent teachings from his parents but in that moment, he was already too far into practicing and being influenced by his devil art.

Perhaps the trigger for the growth of his strength was that burning hatred and rage that fuelled his wrath to promote his strength each time that he suffered a loss and was able to later turn things in his favour.

After his wrath had been satisfied, his other human impulses like lust, greed, envy, gluttony, pride and sloth were in need of being satisfied too so he continued to commit evil acts to follow those other impulses that were leading him towards becoming even more of a monster in the eyes of others.

However as his pride and arrogance in his strength and his ability to survive grew, he became the target for those just as evil.

If Ki had not shown up then this would be the end of his life at the hands of the Blood Sect sparing many others from his impulsive and selfish acts but even after being saved, he was not to be released from his chains and was killed by her own sword.

Ki would not wish to be the reason for letting someone like him being released to commit more evil deeds and harming more innocent people.

When she had investigated him thoroughly, the only reason why she had not moved to kill him right away was because he was the bait for the Blood Sect so he was not to be killed right away.

Once his one use was used up, he was killed within the base of the Blood Sect to send a message to the Blood Sect, to punish him for his actions and to also create a fitting place for his death so that none of her people can be tied to his death.

She could quietly get the rest of her people to withdraw and disappear leaving behind no traces during the flood, those that discover the bases will be poisoned and the survivors may even run from the base and be discovered by others.

Some bases may be discovered by many and be reported to those within the capital and the capital may organise a search for other hidden bases close to their walls.

More internal conflicts would cause a division within the sect weakening their unity and overall power of the Blood Sect, internal fighting and cleansing of traitors was expected to happen as a result of this failure within the sects most important movement in years.

They may suspect an influence from the north, northeast or northwest, east or west to be able to undermine them so boldly but the evidence would be pointed towards those using poison or blood qi arts because the blood had been stolen and poisonous methods had been used in most bases when attacked.

After suspecting and cleaning up those within their own sect, their gazes will turn towards those they may suspect in those areas like unaffiliated sects that use poison or those within the Unorthodox Alliance.

Since those involved with the Unorthodox Alliance would not admit to the attack, the other unaffiliated poison sects would possibly be sacrificial victims in the silent war and would either be destroyed or be forced to seek shelter while pleading their innocence.