Meeting of four #1

After a short rest and a couple of days spent digesting her insights under the mulberry tree outside of the mansion in between her usual schedule, Ki arrived in a room with Isaac, Marilyn and Rashida. "I have come to discuss how to deal with the people that we have gathered so far during my trip. I believe that some can be hidden well but others may need a purpose or a place where they can belong. First would be to deal with the city guards situation and his families situation. Do you have any ideas?"

Isaac raised his hand and spoke. "For someone with his experience, it would be a waste to not make use of him. Even if we cannot use his strength so publicly, we can use his experience for maintaining a cities security and the walls defences."

Marilyn responded. "I have no opinion."

Rashida did too. "Me neither."

Ki replied to his suggestion. "Sounds good. We need a strong guardian position to be filled but where should we place him? Within the walls of the village or within Wolfden City?"

Isaac calmly responded. "Wolfden City is too public and has too many eyes on it right now and much more attention will be on it too. I suggest placing him within the village to help with some of the law enforcement and security and helping defend the walls and the insides against dangers. If that is still too much to ask of him, I suggest giving him a position to act as a trainer for the White Wolf group and others defending the village from various threats. If his family is with him then he would also do his best to ensure their safety."

Ki nodded. "I agree with this. It is not too forceful to bind him in place or work but provides him a stable cover for whatever he chooses. He would rarely have to display his strength and the village is secluded giving him more cover. Next is the retired war veteran, what do you think we should do with him?"

Isaac read the materials on him and sighed. "This person is without family and responsibilities, except the two children which remain alive. If he is attached to them then he can be persuaded to do what we wish. However his body must be full of old battle wounds and he is much older so there is a limit to what he can be asked to do. I believe he would be best kept close now that the children have already begun training in Blood Qi arts."

Rashida raised her hand. "I said I would take responsibility so I will become their master, I will teach them about Blood Qi Arts and how they should use it in the future."

Marilyn shrugged as she still had no opinion.

Ki agreed. "Then how about just giving him a small place to settle down near the village library or martial arts training grounds, there he can give pointers based on his own experiences. If he happens to become more ambitious then he could take on a role as a war strategy advisor. Rashida can take the children on as disciples after they have been settled down. Next is the Sound clan leader and her son.."

Isaac had a complicated look on his face. "Either get them to settle within the village or Wolfden City. However the Sound Clan are too big in these parts to not be identified so giving them a new life would be difficult. If we give them some responsibilities in the Entertainment Halls or other places we may be able to use her well if she is willing to train some people but I doubt she will be so willing to spread out her families secrets so easily especially after being betrayed."

Marilyn seemed interested. "So they use sound to fight? Sounds interesting but I have no use for her."

Nox was an intelligence organisation that also had private control over various parts of the underworld and certain less legal businesses like mercenary or bounty tasks, gambling, loans and black market auctions.

The Reapers working alongside them had also gained lots by working Nox, they gained more accurate information about those that they had been requested to kill so they were able to more accurately judge if a target was innocent or not before they assassinated them for the person who requested it.

They quickly became known as a unique assassin group that only targets evil people and does not mindlessly follow money blindly however they still did not touch people of too high of a status or those belonging to certain influences so many could not make such requests.