Silk Moth Gu Usage

Three figures moved through the cold and difficult terrain of the mountain.

It was very easy to lose sight of the surroundings and to either get lost or fall into danger all of a sudden.

The cold white mists drifting around along with the icy cold wind was enough to cause many to have their vision obstructed.

Once they were surrounded by it, they would walk further trying to get to safety but they would be unable to find a clear path out.

Some would find themselves to be taking wrong routes or walking around in circles while others would unknowingly step onto an area filled with dangers.

The three figures did not seem to be disturbed by the disturbance as they moved around in it.

Two of the figures belonged to Rayleigh and Lumi who had a much higher affinity with cold elements.

They seemed to dance within the cold fog almost like they were very comfortable within it and that it proved to be no major disturbance to them.

In addition to their affinity with the cold, they had their foxes to help guide the way through their sense of smell and sound.

Ki was not showing any signs of slowing down or getting lost within it either as she kept close to them both.

The dogs that followed previously had been set aside in a safer area while they did the fighting and made their way further around the mountain.

Ki may not have had the same advantages in the cold as the other two but she did possess her own unique qualities that let her thrive in that environment.

One unique trait about her was her resistance to the cold that let her move around without being afraid of the cold but even that would not be able to let her avoid any unfortunate events on the mountain.

Ever since she had broken through to the Unrestrained Realm, her body had improved greatly boosting her vitality.

Her physical body and its state were a fundamental part of what was needed for her martial arts but there was something else that relied on that too.

Mystic Arts usually had some kind of reliance on something in order to be used.

Since the runic markings had been placed on the body, the use of them was quite draining and took a tole on the user if they used it too much.

There were other mystic arts that let people release great power in a short time but they usually came at the cost of a person's health and lifespan.

Mystic Arts were heavily reliant on the state of the practitioners body and health.

Each usage would gradually take its tole on the body making the practitioner weak and fatigued once they reached the limitations of what their body could perform.

In order to regain another chance to use them again, they needed to take care of their bodies to regain lost energy and put themselves back in a better physical state through eating, resting and sleep.

Each Mystic Arts user had a limit to how much they could use their unique abilities and what range of abilities they could perform based on the state of their body and their mastery over them.

If someone tries to use power beyond their means then it was very likely that they would only bring harm to themselves.

The Mystic Arts of Ki were very much the same since they were reliant on her physical condition too.

Her Gu Mystic Arts were even more reliant on her bodies condition since there was a Silk Moth Gu living within her body.

It was reliant on her blood and vitality while being fed all kinds of poisons.

Her Gu arts primarily relied on the connection between the Gu and their host which was a relationship similar to a parasite living off the body of those they inhabited.

It fed mainly on the blood provided by Ki whether it was her own or others that had been supplied from within the storage of blood she had collected with her Blood Mystic Arts.

It was normally quite manageable to raise a Gu by sacrificing a little blood every now and again since it had no real effect on the body.

It only became a problem if the host had not used the most correct technique to form the connection resulting in the Gu feeding on the host more with each use of its powers while others would suffer similar fates for overusing their abilities to the point that they lost too much blood.

Ki had the correct method to raise a perfect Gu that would make a pact with her without any side effects but she still needed to be careful at times when using them.

Luckily she had a large amount of blood and vitality from practicing Blood Qi martial arts while having the supply of extra blood linked to her Blood Mystic Arts.

Her Silk Moth Gu was feeding on her blood that was the blood of an Unrestrained Realm martial artist that had a major boost in vitality from practicing blood arts so it was like a rare tonic to the Silk Moth Gu.

After breaking through to the Unrestrained Realm, Ki could feel her connection with it deepening even further as she found that her limitations to use it and her Blood Mystic Arts had been improved upon.

Her range of use was improved along with how much she could use it so while using her Silk Moth Gu, it was very easy to keep track of Lumi and Rayleigh who both still had a Gu placed in their bodies.

Even if she was quite far away, her Silk Moth Gu would still be able to sense their positions.

Even when she could not see all that well, she could still feel through her connection to her Silk Moth Gu where they were allowing her to stay close and not get split up from them.

Her connection served yet another purpose which was perfect for such an environment.

As she was moving, several figures were walking with heavy footsteps around her, Rayleigh and Lumi.

There was no hesitation from Ki as she rushed forward and moved among them to leave several cuts on their bodies.

If it was a normal situation then many may have hesitated to confirm who they were attacking since it could be someone who was possibly an ally.

Ki knew the positions of Rayleigh and Lumi so she would not make such a mistake.

Many cuts which were mixed with light and deep wounds were left behind on the figures bodies which killed many swiftly and without any hesitation from Ki.

Those that remained alive were drained of their remaining blood as it gathered around Ki within the white fog.

As Ki, Rayleigh and Lumi continued their efforts to kill as many of the enemy that were in smaller numbers, another force had already begun to move as they arrived in large numbers storming their way up the mountain.