Broken Spirits

A large number of northern warriors were fighting with their lives on the line.

They were all positioned at around three quarters down the mountain path which was the safest and less steep path off the mountain.

It was the most obvious path to take that had less risk to each persons lives.

If they went in large numbers towards a more dangerous path then it was much more risky for them to make it down alive.

The enemy was counting on them taking the safe and easy way out to they had already prepared ahead of time.

The amount of armed warriors was lower since most guards of the Northern Capital noble families had been able to carry them.

Since their opponents had been armed and fully prepared for battle, it was very lucky that there were such people among those trying to escape the mountain.

One chance to kill the enemy was a chance for someone unarmed to pick up the weapon that fell to the ground allowing more to gain a longer reach and an effective killing strike.

No matter how much martial artists boasted about their mastery of martial arts, they were still human and could be killed easily by a well placed blade.

Not every martial artist practiced a technique that let them have a body invulnerable to ordinary blades.

One careless move during the large battle meant death for them.

Metallic weapons clanged against each other as the sounds spread out through the surrounding area.

Roars and screams came from those fighting as they charged forward to meet their enemies or were harmed in some way during the confrontation.

The voices of those trying to make their way down the mountain had been growing louder and more confident as time passed.

Everything that was hopeless started to look hopeful once more as the enemy were beginning to lose more of their numbers and were gradually being pushed back.

Their hopes had risen as it looked like they would be able to create an opportunity to break through.

Just as they were at the peak of their good spirits, a huge drop in their spirits began to take place all at once.

The opening that was created allowed several hopeful people the chance to break past the enemy line as they pushed forward together.

Just as they saw themselves having an easier time from then, several balls of white flame started to fall down towards their direction.

Those at the very front and that were gathered up were the first to be hit by the white flames.

The chilling cold flames instantly froze the outer layer of skin on their bodies where they made contact followed by the increasing spread further along their bodies so long as the flames remained.

It did not take long for despair to set in for many as those who allowed the opportunity to escape had begun to slow down to the point that it was difficult to make simple movements.

Those afflicted with the cold flame and that had it spread more violently eventually stopped moving altogether as if they had become a frozen statue.

As if to insult the failed attempts of those that had risked their lives to survive, a large man ran towards the human shaped ice statues and raised a large club towards the first one. "Hahaha! Foolish!"

The club hit the middle of the body and caused the icy statue to shatter.

Many ice shards and chunks began to spread out along leaving a gruesome scene but the man revelled in his brutality and fearsome display. "This will be the fate for all you nobles!"

He had a taunting look in his eyes along with a clear showing of his hatred and disdain towards the Northern nobility.

Everyone seemed to pause for a moment as they witnessed that scene but not everyone was willing to give up yet.

Someone else among them raised their weapon pointing it forward. "If we give up now then we are dead! These guys do not plan on sparing any of us! Fight for your lives with everything you have got!"

His words helped to reignite the broken spirits a little and more began to push forward towards the already closed defensive line.

They did not care if they were practically committing suicide by confronting the enemy since there was always a chance that someone would be able to get by the line and avoid the flames since the element of surprise was no longer there.

Their lessened numbers and the chances of death being higher did not allow their hopes to diminish fully.

Many who were smart enough already knew that it was better for them to die in battle than to be captured alive by such people. "Charge!"

"Kill as many as you can!"

"Gyahaha! Die noble dogs!"