NewLegacy (5)

I still hadn't yet opened my black bundle. Deck also had one. He seemed scared to open his. I wasn't scared but I also wasn't sure what to do with it. It wasn't like it would magically go away if I didn't open it though. It could also be helpful.

I finally unwrapped the string. It had a card? I looked it over. One side said RoyalBlue [LoneWolves] the other side was like a bar code. A player card for the new dive systems. Interesting, I wonder if I put it on ebay if I could just sell it? Eh probably a bad idea. The AI might blow up my apartment complex.

I placed it in my pocket and continued packing up my things. Deck had already finished and was now looking over his own card. The scardy cat had waiting until my package didn't blow up before opening his own.

Germ-x *99999, gloves, hoddies, pants, shoes, etc. oh right need snacks of course. Close enough, I could probably steal anything else I needed from a store without any problems. The world was slowly falling into more and more chaos.

A black armored car pulled up outside. Hmm the government idiots better not try anything or I'd just refuse to play. Was that allowed? Ugh why did this feel like I was being drafted into the military or something.

Deck and I made our way outside. Most of the rogue cars had finally died for one reason or another but traveling was still classified as unsafe. Surely the AI would have known about this though, so this must be its version of level one.

A man in a black suit and sunglasses, how very stereotypical, helped us into the vehicle. I sat in the corner as far from everyone else as I could get. With my hoddie up I probably looked very anti social. Well I suppose that was accurate.

Once we arrived Deck ran off to the new cat headquarts which was full of activity as a large guild. I went to find a small secluded area that was separated off for the wolves. It was just like a bunch of tiny apartments in a small building. It had 11 bedrooms plus other rooms. Did they construct this just for us?

VIP treatment to the potential saviors of the world. Was I saving the world? Possibly. Was that my goal? Not really, I was just bored enough to participate.

I checked my room out for any bugs, wires, or other unwelcomed things. Clean, the government seemed to really just want us to kill the AI. That or they had other plans and we were just the distraction. Could an AI even be distracted?

I left the room to check out the other buildings. They had a small kitchen in our complex but a large mess hall for all the players. Darn I'd have to cook if I didn't want to deal with others. Could I just get ready meals delivered?

A pool and gym. A volleyball court. These government people must have too much free time, go save the world instead of building us a bouncy house. I stared at the, what to even call it? Nevermind I walked the other direction. I didn't want to know what this area was for.

The crazy AI had given us another task. All players were to log in for the first time tomorrow morning for a 'tutorial'. Seems like a very sketchy subject. The compound reminded me of college. Maybe that was what the government was aiming for?

The players I passed were a range of ages from 70's to 6 being the youngest. Chocolate the little 6 year old girl prodigy of TrueDragons, they had even dragged her into this mess. Shameful.

I ignored them all to the best of my ability. I was now wearing dark grey clothing which was the best for not sticking out. A scuffle with a group of people caught my attention.

InkPoint or Stardom was, uh I wasn't sure what they were doing. I walked over to a tree for a better view.

"Don't worry were just want to test the card's functionality!" yelped one person taking what I assumed was InkPoint's ID card. Was he going to log in under an account that wasn't his? Perfect! I was just wanting some entertainment.

InkPoint didn't look convinced but allowed the government employee to board a dive system with his card. It wasn't like he was truly being given a choice in the matter though. Hmm maybe I should find the rest of the Stardom guild and watch the party unfold?

Nah too much effort, I'd just watch what happened from here. The AI said not to enter before tomorrow, so what would it do at someone disregarding it's demands?

I watched the dive tank suddenly have a power outage and stop working. A message flashed across its screen.

[Only players are allowed to enter. Any unauthorized use of a player card by another individual will result in punishment.]

The dive tank came back to life an opened up again. This time though it housed a corpse. Shocked mutters and a scream rang out as the government employees abandoned the area and InkPoint was given his card back.

Note to self, do not offend the AI. Good to know. How was InkPoint taking all of this. I glanced at him. To be expected, he was shaking and had gone a little pale. I wonder if this incident would affect his actual first log in? Maybe I should focus on my own future instead.

I walked away.

Time to find some food and a quiet place. Maybe if I was feeling social I'd find Deck as well. Was I feeling social? Not particularly. Maybe I'd just go to bed.

An uneventful night followed.

The sun rose and my alarm beeped at me. Annoying. Why did the AI set the entrance time so early. It was only noon!

I somehow managed to drag myself from my warm blankets. An hour before the games 'launch' period. 30 minutes to become alive and functioning and 30 minutes for breakfast and everything else.

Was I alive? I suppose you could say alive just meant breathing at this ungodly hour of the morning. I somehow managed to stumble to my dive tank five minutes before opening.

I was a little unnerved. I had always been a keyboard player would I still be skilled enough as a, whatever kind of player this was? The tank made a bunch of weird noises and had a bunch of weird connectors. Creepy horror doctor movie vibes. I shivered a little then closed my eyes letting the system take me. The manual and actual experience were quite different.

When I opened my eyes again I was .... I was ...… um ... existing? In a black plane. Then words appeared.

[Welcome Player: RoyalBlue. Your DNA has now been authenticated.]

[Welcome to NewLegacy 2.0]

The darkness changed to the sky as I sat up from the ground. Super weird everything felt real. I felt the grass around me. Even the sun hurt my eyes if I looked directly at it.

"Ouch!" I yelped pulling my hand away from the ground. A small level 1 iron snake beast was lying next to me. Its fangs sunk into my hand. I formed a fist with my other hand and smacked down on it.

[Beast destroyed +50 Exp]

[HP 99/100]

I rubbed my hand a little. The snake wasn't poisonous or anything but it seemed pain was real. Wait does that mean that 0/100 HP would really kill me? I looked at my bleeding finger and wrapped my shirt around it until it stopped. A few minutes later my HP jumped back to 100.


The game was similar to NewLegacy 1.0 but the AI seemed to have made several changes to suit its uses. Well I suppose until something else happened I should start by looking around. This area was a standard beginner game plane. The grassy fields zone. Lucky me it only had level one snake beasts and a level 2 snake boss.

Time for some Exp fun!

Oh I should also check my guild I guess. Did I need to check it if we were all solo players? It had a message board function. What should I write.

[Hi guys, Welcome to LoneWolves. The name is true to its self do what you want cause I don't care. The end.]

That should work. I turned the guild panel back off. Lucky for me all the keyboard commands seemed to be voice commands now. The player style was now reality based though. Looks like I needed to become more fit and more agile fast.

Wait if this was a new version of the game did we get new picks of stats?

"Show player stats!"

[Player: RoyalBlue]

[Guild: LoneWolves]

[Exp …..]

[Level: 1]




Oooh they had reset. I immediately chose my same states. "Class assassin, subclass healer."

The info appeared. Normally healer was a very underrated class because they couldn't heal themselves so they basically had to join a guild. So why might you ask would I choose it?

Because at level 10 it had a rare subclass branch known as alchemist. And potions could be used by anyone but were rare to find and make. Therefore an excellent source of money. I selected it as my work to skill. I wonder what kind of class changes the AI made? I would have to switch if healer became useless.

[Player: RoyalBlue]

[Guild: LoneWolves]

[Level: 1]


[SubClass:Healer -> Alchemist]

Now about finding a weapon.