One Step At A Time

(From Ella's Perspective)

I could not look away. It was like a moment that needed to be captured, that was worthy of stopping time. My eyes seemed to be determined to look deep into his eyes, even though I wanted to look away very badly. He was not looking away either. I wondered if he wanted to look away as well, but could not. 

I looked down and walked up to him, though it took half of my strength to do so. He was still looking at me like that. How was he doing that? 

"It's rude to stare at people for that long," he said. 

"You're the one staring," I said.

"You did that too."

"Perhaps," I said. "But you're not people. You're Leandro."

"So what am I then?"

"I know you. So, it's not wrong to stare at you. And besides, I was just seeing if you're all that grumpy or not," I said while at the same time wondering if he could see through me. If he could, then the thing was very embarrassing.

"So what did you see?"