I Will Mark You

(From Leandro's Perspective)

She came out of the shower and sat on the bed. She was wearing an oversized t-shirt that came down to her upper thigh. She was wearing her shorts, leaving her hairless legs in full view. There were scars on her knees, cuts on her thighs. But she did not seem to care for them, unlike those girls who would do anything to hide their scars. Perhaps this was one of the reasons why I liked her. 

"You don't have any body hair," I said. 

"No. I do waxing," she said. "You know what waxing is, don't you? Don't worry if you don't know. This Ella here will tell you everything. Well, waxing is a hair removal process by using a covering of wax to adhere body hair and then you have to pull it off. It's quite painful I have to say. But the pain is worth it. Hair won't grow back in four or six weeks."

"Do you have to go through that just so hair won't grow?" I asked tiredly.