Rise and Shine!

"This is gonna be so freakin cool!!!" I exclaimed as I made the walk back to my house, you see I had just picked up a game I pre-ordered from gamepop. The game I ordered you ask well it was the sequel to the first fighting game released by dc comics, that's right I got injustice 2! "Since I pre-ordered it I got some free bouns content like the character Darkseid." Darkseid was seriously op in the comics so I wondered how strong he'd be in the game, I mean they really have to nerf him though I don't think that would stop people from using him anyway considering how cool he looks to! Needless to say I was very excited to play it which is also why I was so distracted I didn't notice the bus coming at me when I was crossing the street. My last thoughts as I laid on the street staring at the now blood covered game. (" Huh this sucks how am I supposed to use Darkseid's powers now") then my vision faded to black.


"Nick!" black is still all I see but I hear something a voice sounding vaguely female with my muddled hearing almost someone is screaming at me under water. But it comes again slightly clearer and louder this time "Nick!" However I still can't quit make out what it's saying so I attempt to strain my ears trying to decipher the voice's words until finally I hear it "Nick!!!" I think to myself who's Nick my names John not understanding but realizing that if I can hear then I should be able to open my eyes so I try that next and as soon as I do I see a young girl with straight brown hair and very pretty hazel eyes who looks to be no older than 13-14 years old.

The second thing I noticed was that she seemed to be flying towards me with her elbow aimed at my (oh no!) doing my best to dodge the blow that would cripple my future progeny for generations I managed to roll and the flying elbow landed on my lower spine which only made me severely wince in pain instead of the scream of agony the blow would have made me produce had it landed on it's intended target. Holding my back in pain I screamed out at the girl "What the hell was that for!" To her credit she was seemingly unfazed by my shouting and simply replied "Well I tried to get you up with yelling but you didn't move so…" she gestured towards my back as if to indicate her thinking was only logical and then she the nerve to look at me like I was the fool for not catching on!

I was about to shout at the random girl again about how it was rude to wake up people you don't know with flying elbows, when I got a splitting headache and had to pause and hold my head. It got so bad that even a few tears streaked from my eyes down my face and by the time it was over I realized that I was in the fetal position on the hard wood floor of this room with the girl ,who I now realized I recognized, shaking me and asking if I was ok in a very worried tone. Getting up slowly I was going over all the new memories in my head that were mine at the same time not mine. It was like watching a video recording of yourself but you never remember doing anything your seeing and all of these memories were crystal clear and I could recall them down to the smallest detail.

This lead me to see the girl in what I now new was my room in a very different light she was no longer some stranger who elbowed me as soon as I awoke but she was actually my twin sister…who elbowed me as soon as I woke up ~huh~ . As it turns out I was reincarnated into not just any world but I was reborn into the Marvel universe were the gods like to take casual strolls among men (I'm so f*cked) but on the semi bright side I found out that my twin sister is none other than kitty pryde otherwise known as shadow cat a member of the x-men. She has the ability to phase through solid matter so I guess it's not all bad but seeing as my new sister is still at home either she hasn't awakened her mutant abilities or Xavier just hasn't found her yet. Either way I need to start making plans to protect myself and her since living/surviving in marvel is going to be difficult with all those god like entities out there, we need to be strong enough to avoid, ignore, or whoop the ass of whatever threat comes for us. As I started formulating plans for the future in my head kitty just stared at me for a while thinking to herself (Why's my brother such a weirdo!)


Well that's chapter 1 if you liked it I'm glad if not try and stick around for the next few if it's still not your thing well I wish you luck in finding something that is see you all later for the next chapter till next time.