Memory lane

Standing in my room I was still a little lightheaded from all the information that was forced into my mind so I took a moment to gather my bearings. Going back through my new memories allowed me to get a thorough grasp on my current situation, which was that I am now in the marvel world and I'm related to one of the more famous X-men in the comics. This would be a great start but then my memories go on to explain that she doesn't have her mutant abilities yet and I don't even know if I'll have abilities just by being her twin! And if I do get powers from having similar genes as kitty would I get the same ability as her or would it be something completely different? I had to many questions about what could happen and no answers that could provide a certain and secure future but I had to put these questions to side for now as I had to go to…(bleghh) school.

Also from my memories I found out that we are currently thirteen years old and this coming year when we turn fourteen we'll be going is Bayville high school which if you didn't know already was run by Raven aka (Mystique). But as of right now Kitty and I went to some little middle school which she now tells me we are going to be late for if I don't hurry up and get dressed to which I look at her and say.

(Nick)"I am dressed."

(Kitty) ~Looks him up and down~ " Quit joking and get dressed your not wearing sweatpants and a T-shirt u sleepy in to school!"

(Nick)" You know what your right!" I then run to my closet and put on a pair of black sneakers then i grabbed the blanket off my bed wrapped it around me and walked out of my room right past the completely dumbfounded face of my sister ready for school.

~ Several hours later~

~Yawn~ I wake up and stretch as I hear the final bell of school and start to get up to head to the bus when I fell a hand grab my shoulder I turn to see who stopped me when I come face to chest with a boy who seems to about 6'5(1.9meters) tall keep in mind I'm about 5'6 so I look up to see a almost predatory grin plastered on this guys face and I suddenly get the feeling I'm about to have a very bad day. Then I notice that the boy has other boys behind him all with similar looks in their eyes, I'm starting to think that these guys are bullies and that's further confirmed when I am very roughly escorted out towards the back of the school. When we got out there I looked around a bit first and quickly realized that there were no cameras so I was on my own with six guys who were all bigger than me and it didn't seem like the wanted to talk so I did.

(Nick) "Hey guys what's going on long time no see!"

(Lead bully) "Shut the f*ck up pin prick, you know why your out here!"

(Nick) "Is it cause I f*cked your sister that one time or was two times? Well if it is then my bad I didn't know she was taken or from Alabama seeing how your always on her, but hey if that's what guys are into no judgment from me." That wasn't the reason I was out here since I don't talk to Kyle's sister and yes the head asshat is named Kyle. No the reason I was out here about to get the shit kicked out of me was that I was an easy target and these guys liked to extort me for money and since I didn't pay them today I they were probably just gonna take whatever they wanted from me after a thorough beating I'm sure. I heard a little chuckle in the back after my words before Kyle who was now visibly red and shaking from anger looked back which shut his goons up before he looked back at me and said in a anger calm voice.

(Kyle) "What the hell did you just say to me."

(Nick) "I'm sorry sometimes my insults can go the heads of idiots I'll break it down for you, your a walking ad for "What are doing step-bro" but seeing you shake in anger like a bi*ch your probably the one that gets stuck in the dryer. Did you get it that time?"

(Kyle) "Get him"

(Nick) " Well Shi-"

~Two hours later~

(Nick) "ugghhh" (huff huff huff) waking up I looked at the sky and realized it was late afternoon and I was on the ground still in the back of the school but no one was around me so I started getting up. "Arggghhh" yeah that did not go so well every part of my body was in pain they really spared no expense in the beating but I guess that's what happens when I run my mouth. Struggling to get up I began hobbling towards my house with the injuries it took another hour and half to get there when I got inside I saw my father on the chair in the living room staring at the front door. When he saw me walk in he immediately grabbed me and threw me into his truck as he drove like a maniac I had no idea where we were going I tried asking him but that only made him drive faster thankful we didn't get pulled over by the police.

Our drive ended in front of an emergency room hospital my father roughly grabbed again and brought me inside where I spent the next four days recovering and being questioned by my parents and sister about what had happened when I told them my parents were furious however my father was pretty proud that I had the guts to fight (get jumped by) six guys at once. However when they started talking about lawsuits I quickly put a stop to it and told them that it was "my fight and I was gonna finish it" but really I just had better plans for them than juvi (juvenile jail). When my recovery was over I returned to school no one really cared that I was beaten half to death so I didn't expect people to be excited about my recovery or return so it wasn't a surprise when people started avoiding me more than usual as they didn't wish to attract Kyle's ire so I just went through the days with just myself and Kitty as she decided to stick closer to me to try and prevent another attack on my person which was appreciated but unnecessary. This is when I also noticed her getting headaches and as the days past by getting ever closer to our birthday the headaches grew more frequent and lasted longer I knew that soon her days of being a normal human would come to an end.


Hey all I want to say thanks for the comments on the first chapter and thanks for the encouragement I hope you enjoy this one as well see ya next time!