A night to remember

(Nick) "Will you calm down and stop screaming it's not like I did something terrible!"

(Kitty) " They're dead Nicholas!"

~ December 21,2010 7:00am ~

It's currently 2010 two years after the events of iron man and iron man two I of course took no interest in these things aside from watching them on tv with my family when the news about "The Tony Stark" being iron man came out as breaking news. Then once again when the news showed footage of the Stark Expo being attacked by wild Hammer robots and whiplash's iron giant looking suit. I was kinda of upset that I didn't do anything about these events but I don't have any powers nor was I willing to just pack up and leave my family to travel around New York and other places in the world and collect powers just yet. Plus I have a feeling that kitty is going to need me very soon as she's already been to the doctors about her frequent migraines which they chalked up to puberty, thankfully I knew better so I just waited and expected the inevitable.

(Carmen&Theresa Pryde) " Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Katherine and Nicholas happyyy birthday to youuuuu!"


We closed our eyes and blew out our candles at the same time then our parents who just sang to us cheered and wished us both happy birthday. That's right today is the day we turn fourteen and we ended up graduating early so we could move and not have to worry about our middle school education we finished packing and moved to New york and we are now set to attend Bayville high but I have a feeling things might not go as planned. We had already eaten Christmas dinner and our father Carmen was cutting the cake and handing out slices when I notice a shuffling movement out of the corner of my eye. Our mother Theresa pryde left the room to grab our gifts no doubt when she came back in her arms she carried two medium sized boxes one wrapped in red the other in green. I received the red one while kitty obviously received the green looking at kitty I saw her eyes light up with anticipation neither of us wanted to wait any longer but our mother had other plans.

(Theresa) "Wait right there both of you I'm going to grab my camera so I can record this"

(Kitty) "Aww come on mom we're not four the camera recording is getting old!"

(Theresa) "Maybe it is for you but not for me now stay there and don't touch the box." Did you know that mother's can be terrifying when they smile. For a second I thought i saw a demon right in front of me instead of my sweet caring mom… and it made me shudder. We both quickly nod our heads in agreement with her orders but remain quiet as silence is compliance and in a few moments when she comes back with the camera our compliance will be rewarded. In the meantime we turned on the tv and dad put on "A Charlie Brown Christmas" we had gotten about through the into of the movie before mom got back and said she was ready. Kitty and I immediately jumped on our presents tearing away the wrapping paper and opening the brown boxes I got two knives a matching set my parents had taken note of my interest in weapons as of late and had gotten me a pair of elegant twin knives as well as high end maintenance equipment for them like a wet stone.

Kitty however got something quite different she opened her box and removed the contents to reveal three jackets two shirts and two pairs of pants all name brand and all looked to be very expensive. She beam a dazzling smile and did something that sounded like a sequel of joy mixed with a yell you would let out if you to go down one of the highest rides at a water park needless to say she was happy and so was I. If we could stay like this forever life would be amazing everything would great but life and fate don't keep time stagnant they creep ever forwards all the while dragging us along as we kick and scream like children just wanting to go back to play time.

~December 21, 2010 10:00pm~

(Kitty) "Goodnight everyone I'm gonna go to bed my head is killin me." With that kitty headed upstairs to her room I followed shortly after as it was getting kind of late but as I was walking past her room towards my own I heard a crash and decided to rush in to see if everything was ok. Almost bowling over and breaking the door to her room I with panic clear in my voice yelled " kitty are you alright what happened!" That's when I saw her, kitty's hands were on her head gripping it so hard I thought she might pull her own hair out if she moved them she was just standing in the middle of her room crying her dresser was on the floor clothes strewn about the floor I slowly and carefully walked up to her I made an effort not to make any sudden moves as I thought that might startle her. Getting closer I noticed the look of fear and pain she had on her face I had an idea of what was going on but I never thought that awakening mutant abilities could be so horrific for the mutant in question.

(Nick) "Kitty it's me Nick are you doing ok what's wrong?" Stupid question I know she's not doing ok but I have to act like I don't know what's going on since me telling her she's becoming a mutant will not help her endeavor to explore her new "gifts". As I said this she finally noticed that I was here and she looked up at me her face was ragged like someone who hadn't slept in days and is now balling their eyes out at a funeral, well I guess that's not to far off as the headaches probably kept her up some nights and we are about to mourn the death of a version of her but we can celebrate her rebirth it a new version a more powerful version. Back to Kitty though, when her eyes landed on me she looked as if she had been drowning and finally found a lifeline she reached a hand out to me and I moved to take it and stabilize her but as soon as we came into contact with each other something happened. It was like our bodies were reacting to each other but it felt terrible and euphoric at the same time as if we were unlocking something while also getting a deeper understanding of one another the only issue was the pain. It was like nothing I've ever felt and I've been jumped and beaten half to death but this, this was worse it was as if all my cells all the dna and genes in my body had turned into nukes and had decided that now was a good time to go off which I would have disagreed with had I been given a choice.

At first I tried to push through the pain but it was so much that came on so abruptly that I ended up going down almost immediately I was on the ground in the fetal position with kitty doing the same next to me for what seemed like hours but I couldn't know nor did I truly care as the pain persisted I wanted nothing more than for it to end and after a long while it started to recede until it completely faded away. Though even after it did I still didn't move call it emotional trauma that was the most harrowing experience I've ever had so I took some extra time to myself after I semi got it together I slowly stood up and realized that something was off looking down Told me exactly what that thing was.


Hey all sorry for the late chapter I had some things going on but I hope you liked the chapter and can't wait to find out what happened in the next one, until next chapter bye bye!