
~December 21, 2010 11:00pm~

Looking down I realized what was wrong I was to far from the ground it seemed as though I had gotten taller much taller I guessed that I stood at around 8 feet tall so I looked like a damn giant; and my body which was pretty physical fit before but now, now I was all compact lean muscle astonishingly I also had an eight pack. I moved toward the mirror in the bathroom to see if there were any other changes and let's just say I wasn't disappointed. Looking in the mirror I was stunned for a few moments because I almost didn't recognize myself I was…beautiful!!! I mean I didn't look bad before but now I was like a full blown 15/10 and I knew I would kill it in the modeling business if I really wanted to go that route. I had deep blue hair with red streaks that almost looked to be glowing which gave me an unreal almost ethereal being descending look. My skin was Snow White, my facial features were sharp and elegant leaning more towards me looking like an elven god all of these changes are ones I could accept but my eyes. My eyes made me look as if I was the most handsome devil to walk this earth, my irises were blood red and I had no pupils.

To be completely honest for a second I thought that I could have just turned into some type of vampire, but checking my teeth didn't reveal any fangs a pity I wanted to see if girls in this reality were into vampires like Edward Cullen but I guessed I was denied my vampire fangirl base for now ~sigh~. The next things I noticed were the enhancements to my senses I could in perfect detail, my reaction speed was insane, I could hear kitty's heart beat in the next room I could pick out a differentiate between smells focusing on all of my senses was a lot of power at once I was starting to get overwhelmed so I did the only thing that made sense at the time I sat down and meditated. [Power screen initiated 10%…40%…80%…90%….98%…100%]


~Meanwhile in another part of New York~

(P.Xavier) ~stunned grunting noise while holding shiny dome~

(Storm)"Professor what's wrong is something troubling you?!"

(P.Xavier)"Yes it seems that two very powerful mutants have just joined us gather everyone I'm having hank ready the car."

(Storm)"Yes professor, wait the car not the jet this means they're close to us?"

(P.Xavier)"Indeed they are let us just hope that we get to them first."


~Elsewhere (Still in New York)~

(Callisto)"Hey Boss we've got two big surges new mutants powerful ones, one might even be stronger than you."

(Magneto)"Then let us not wait we must recruit our new brothers or sisters; send Emma to persuade them!"

(Callisto)"And if they refuse our offer?"

(Magneto)"Take them anyway until they come to the correct decision they will be secured as it would be bad for them to fall into Charles hands."


~Shield HQ~

(Phil) Burst into black odin's office "Director fury we've just picked up a energy signature."

(Fury)"Ok what's so special about this energy signature that is has you walking into my office unannounced?"

(Phil)"Sir the signature we detected was on the level of the teseract and it's here in New York."

(Fury)"Hmmm… send in Romanoff have her gather information to see if this is real or just some bug in the system."

(Phil)"Yes Sir."


~Back to the MC~

Sitting down in the room next to Kitty I was meditating on my abilities when I found myself in a inky black space that's when I heard a strange voice go off in my head and a blue screen appeared in front of me.

[Power screen initiated] {"Welcome Master to the Power screen please standby for full scan."}After the voice said this a blue light ran over my entire body and when it was finished the voice sounded out once more.{"Scan complete new tab added please proceed to main menu to access tabs."} Doing as the voice suggested I looked at the blue screen and clicked the only icon on it which looked like a house symbol; this caused the screen to change and show two names on it.


| Nicholas Pryde

| Katherine Pryde


Selecting my own name caused the screen to change again and it listed my changes and attributes in a game like fashion.


Name: Nicholas Pryde

Race: New god(Darkseid strain)


New god Physique: High intelligence, Immortality, Stamina, nigh-invulnerable.

Omega effect: Teleportation,Mind Control;Psionic Possession,Telekinesis, Telepathy,Matter Manipulation,Size Manipulation,Energy Projection,Cosmic Awareness,Power Manipulation,Soul Manipulation,Time Travel,Resurrection,Avatar Creation,Entity Creation,Omega Beams,Omega Sanction


Ho….ly....Shit, for a while I just sat there stunned not knowing what to do. I mean there has to be some kinda of catch I'd read reincarnation stories before and knew about the concept of golden fingers that let the MC become super powerful or even some that gave them really high amounts of power from the start but this. I mean there were some really good golden fingers out there but this one takes the cake of course I'll need some practice with my new powers to figure out how they work. Once I do learn how to use them; I'm going to be damn hard to kill even for the marvel world plus I can still pick up some powers and abilities that I think might help me be an even tougher opponent. "Next let's check Kitty's tab", mentally exiting out of my own ability panel I was brought back to the Home Screen which still showed my name and Kitty's directly below my own I then moved to click on it.


Name: Katherine Pryde

Race: Human(evolved)

Abilities: Phasing/Intangibility


A minimal list but a versatile power to be sure, but that's alright once she becomes proficient in using her power she will definitely become a force to be reckoned with especially after a few enhancements I plan to give her. Speaking of which there is something that I should give her before they show up. Coming out of my meditation I opened my eyes to see Kitty still unconscious laying next to me, hesitantly I touched her shoulder but I didn't do anything just yet as I was still debating on what gift to bestow upon her. I didn't mean that in a pretentious way but I literally had the ability to give or take away any abilities I wanted to all I needed was a live target and my imagination, so you could see my dilemma when you have the power to give anyone power what kind do you give them. I just kneeled next to her for a long moment thinking about what to give her I knew I couldn't give her something she would need to train else it might hinder her future progression with her original ability if she needs to split her focus. My High Intelligence allowed my mind to go through thousands of possible choices in seconds and I found three abilities that fit the bill (with some slight alterations I made to them) now it was time to put these thoughts into action as I focused on giving these abilities to Kitty. The moment I decided on the abilities to give her I felt power well up in my chest and begin to flow down to her through my arm into her and taking root in what I would describe as her soul once the process finished I checked Kitty's panel of the [Power screen] again.


Name: Katherine Pryde

Race: Human(evolved)

Abilities: Phasing/Intangibility, psychic shield(passive), psychic shadow(passive), Telepathic communication(Set link: Nicholas Pryde)


After giving her the abilities I nudged Kitty awake it took a little prodding but I eventually managed to rouse her and as she groggily looked up at me I realized I had no idea what to say so I said the first thing to pop into my head.

(Nick) "Morning are you hungry?"