
(Nick)"Morning are you hungry?"

(Nick inner dialogue ) Are you hungry what the hell kind of question is that?! She just went though one of the most painful experiences of her life of course she doesn't want food right now you friggen idiot!

(Kitty)"Umm… yeah; yeah food sounds good right now."

(Nick inner dialogue) Huh… well I stand corrected, carry on. Wait who am I talking to?!

Kitty slowly got up and took a second to stable herself most likely still shaken from the experience. But I on the other hand was quietly patting myself on the back for having an idea that seemed to have slightly comforted her. After she changed clothes we were going to leave right away; but kitty being well kitty insisted I change into more presentable clothes. I of course argued that my club penguin onesie was presentable and since it was red and green it was even in season, however she eventually won the argument and I changed into a pair black jeans and a red long sleeve though I made sure to wear my Christmas sneakers that had the elf bells on the tops.

Finished changing I walked out of my room to a slight smile which I took as approval of my outfit from kitty. Stepping close to her I gestured towards the down stairs in an effort to minimize the noise we make can't get sneaking out, of course I realized that we might have already made noise falling to the ground in excruciating pain early. ~huh~ oh well I'll burn that bridge when I come to it; we moved as quietly as we could down the stairs and out the door but it wasn't until we were at least four blocks away that we spoke.

(Kitty) "ahhhhhhhhhhhh!"

Well spoke might have been an understatement as she felt the need to scream not knowing what to do I just stopped, waited, and stared.

(Kitty) "What?"

(Nick) "You feel any better?"

(Kitty) "…No, but I didn't really think it would help."

(Nick) "Then why do it?"

(Kitty) "Don't know."

That's when I felt it it was nothing more than a slight tremble in the connection but I could almost feel what it meant. Taking a leap of faith I decided to act on the feeling and see her reaction.

(Nick) "You're lying." I didn't pose it as a question or a guess and there was no warmth in my words I simple said what we both knew which surprised her even more.

(Kitty) "No I-" before she could finish her sentence I decided it would be better to just clue kitty in on our new connection.

(Nick) "Before you try to lie to me again you should try to feel inside yourself first." Only Seeing a confused reaction from her I used the connection between us to make both our lives easier.

(Nick Telepathy) "Um hello testing testing 1,2,3 kitty can you hear me?"

It was at this point I knew I f*cked up as she literally jumped up and fell on her butt then she started scrambling backwards in an attempt to get away from me. This was obviously not going well (smooth Nick real smooth) I tried stepping forward to calm her down but this only caused her to move further back. So I figured it would be best to kneel down to her height and appear less threatening like how emergency responders do for children to seem less scary.

(Kitty) "What the hell was that! What did you do to me!"

(Nick) "I didn't do anything to you, however if you mean how did you hear my voice in your head I think it's because of what just happened to us.(Time to drop the bomb.) Kitty I think we're mutants." I didn't sugar coat it and I didn't dance around the facts I couldn't as I knew it would be a hard pill to swallow especially for kitty. I mean when you look at a lot of comics the people who awaken mutant abilities are not thrust in the greatest of circumstances when they are found out. She probably thinks that her life is over and she'll be hunted for the rest of her life by the government if she's discovered.

(Kitty) "No no no way I can't be one of…one of those freaks that you see on TV!"

(Nick) "Kitty! You are not a freak so stop thinking like that right now!" I might have projected my voice more than necessary which cause her to freeze like a deer in headlights. So I dialed it back and attempted to take the softer more understanding approach.

(Nick) "Look kitty you're not a freak or some thing to be feared you are still yourself just with new … qualities ok."

(Kitty) "New qualities, new qualities do you even hear yourself I'!!!"

(Nick) "What about me kitty?" I knew goading her on probably wasn't the best idea but she needed to let out and let go of whatever emotions the awakening caused her and since therapy wasn't an immediate option I felt that letting her scream it out at someone that someone being me, would be the best choice for the short term.

(Kitty) "Well first how the hell are you so calm right now! And why aren't you freaking out about the fact we can hear each other's thoughts! How did you shrug off that pain so fast didn't it hurt you! How did you figure out that I can hear your thoughts in the first place! Do you know what's going on and why haven't you told me!" She yelled question after question until she was out of breath not letting me get a word out; when she was done and finally took a breath I nodded and answered the first question.

(Nick) "I'm calm because I don't know what to do but I do know that panicking won't help. I don't think freaking out about hearing each other's thoughts is worth it because I'm pretty sure that's not the strangest thing we can do, adding to that I figured out how to talk to you through my thoughts because one of my abilities is to see what powers others including myself have." Taking a second to breath and figure out how to answer the next question as the last one took me a moment because I didn't want to lie to kitty but at the same time I couldn't tell her that I can see a game screen in front of me telling me your powers. "I didn't shrug off the pain it just stopped and I have no idea what's going on, now can we go eat?"

(Kitty) "I guess but where are we going?"

(Nick) "Easy to one of the only places open this late with good breakfast; we are going to Waffle House!"


Hey guys I know it's been a little while since the last chapter but hope you like this one also I really appreciate the positive comments and thank you all as it makes me want to keep writing so till next chapter see ya!