Walk in the Park

~Have a holly jolly Christmas it's the best time of the year i don't know if they'll be snow but~

As we sat at the table inside of the Waffle House the merry music played through the muffled dust filled speakers of the restaurant giving it a drunken Christmas feeling which was only enhanced by the sloppily hung decorations and the occasional inebriated or stoned patrons that would come in and order. This was my favorite time during the year as more felt that it was required to celebrate in this fashion a way to "relax" they would tell themselves mankind truly knew the best ways to excuse their behavior. As I watched the entertainment I could smell our order being brought to us before I saw it when the waitress came around the corner to our booth with the plates she read off the items.

(Waitress) "Ok I have a All-Star special scrambled eggs with cheese and extra bacon" I raised my hand and she placed the meal in front of me. "then the Bacon hash brown bowl must be yours." She turned toward Kitty and place her meal in front of her after wishing us a merry Christmas and for a few seconds her gaze lingered on me before her face turned bright red and she quickly dashed away muttering under her breath "how tall is he? Wonder if he's single?" I could clearly hear her but I pretended I didn't as one she wasn't loud enough for normal people to hear and she was facing away from me. However I did make a mistake when I turned to look at the waitress who was practically running away, when I looked back at kitty I was greeted with a glare so fierce I thought she was the one with laser eyes.


(Kitty)"What do you mean what you were just staring at her ass and don't say you weren't I just saw you doing it!"

I was quite frankly stunned that she assumed that's what I was doing then I looked back at my actions and figured from someone else's point of view I does look like I was creeping on her. At first I thought about saying my bad or even apologizing but that's when I felt something it was like a shot of steroids to my personality but only certain parts my confidence, arrogance, and my will power it also instilled something in me something primal and dark it gifted me the unending motivation to dominate everything around me seen and unseen; it was at that moment I first had the thought that would shape my actions for years to come.{Everything must be mine!}

(Nick)"So what?"

It was actually almost adorable how stunned she looked at my response Kitty even did that twitch of her nose she did when she was upset I almost laughed when I saw it but managed to catch myself before hand.

(Kitty)"What do you mean so what don't you have any shame or common decency not to stare at some random girls ass while we're eating!"

I felt indignant rage swell up as I heard and processed her words that strange steroid like energy still fueling my emotions. I looked at her giving me a disgusted gaze as if she saw me as nothing more than a cockroach. I held myself back from lashing out as Kitty was my sister so I didn't want to do anything rash however since I had already decided to make her much more powerful than she was originally meant to be I needed to get her to understand that she was not the most powerful person in the room when I was near, not now not ever. I held up my hand spoke putting one finger up.

(Nick)"First lower your voice I don't want the entire building hearing our conversation" I put up a second finger "second watch the tone you take with me I'm not some random person you can bitch out for checking out some girl" a third finger "last I'm going to make this very clear back talking, looking down on, or even fighting someone more powerful then you is perfectly fine if you think there's a chance you can beat them but let me assure you" as I said me next few words I activated matter manipulation to make the air cold and i mean really cold I couldn't control my powers well just yet so the slight chill around us that I meant happen turned into almost sub zero temperatures throughout the entire Waffle House.

I tried my best to keep a straight face and stopped the power immediately but the damage was done I had basically flash frozen the place luckily no one but myself and Kitty knew that it was me the staff just looked confused and the drunken patrons had seemed to have sobered up a little but that only cause them to drink more. This entire time Kitty's eyes had not left my figure so putting a little more bass in my voice than strictly necessary I finished my previous statement."I am not one to be trifled with is that understood." I said this in such a way as to convey to her that my "question" was not actually a question it was a statement an unwavering declaration of my strength that she could never hope to match.

She nodded her head but I wasn't looking for confirmation I just wanted to tell her the new order of things, she had to know who was in charge not just for this but for the future as well as things would be required of her and hesitation, back talk, or second guessing my orders could and most likely would lead to her death. After this we both stayed silent while eating our meals once we were done we got up I paid leaving a rather generous tip for the trouble and we left Kitty stayed a little behind me and to my left I took this as a good sign like respect for an alpha, as we walked my senses picked up some people following us I couldn't tell how many though so I took a detour that lead to a park.

(Kitty in telepathy)"What's going on I caught some of your emotions and felt danger."

(Nick in telepathy)"That's concerning and what's going on is we're being followed I don't know by who or how many there are so we need to go to a quit place I don't want to worry about civilian safety if we have to fight."

(Kitty in telepathy)"Fight are you kidding me who do you think we are bond characters?!"

(Nick in telepathy)"Of course not I think we are in danger and should be prepared besides if we were bond character's I would totally be Q."

Kitty promptly face palmed but didn't say or send anything after that she just kept walking behind me though sticking a little closer than earlier. When we got into the park I made a point to look around as casually as possible trying to make sure it was deserted before walking deep in along the path, when we got about halfway through the park I stopped and sat on one of the benches and invited Kitty to sit next to me.

(Kitty in telepathy)"What are you doing why did we stop?!"

(Nick in telepathy)"Simple we reached our destination."

After saying that she stared at me when she saw I was serious she sighed and sat down next to me and we sat there for about 5mins before some of the people my senses picked up came towards us when they did I immediately recognized them and was overjoyed I had a few guesses as to who had followed us and my first one was correct, it looked like the X-Men had come to play.