
As the X-men came walking up from the same path we had just came from I got a good look at them all. They walk like a group of popular high school kids that like to make friends with everyone until they get you on their side; once you're of no use they drop you and if you try to leave the group your public enemy number one. I didn't mean to go on a rant in my head but it's just I had pretty mixed emotions about the x-men on one hand they were a good group of mutants trying to peacefully fight for mutant rights. On the other hand they were a dangerous group of naive mutants who fought a cause that should've been put on hold until a more achievable goal like finding or creating a safe place for mutants was accomplished.

They also have a habit of obviously pissing people off and creating their own enemies which cause events like M-Day to happen, but that's none of my business because as much as I love the x-men I knew I wouldn't fit in with them I was to powerful i mean look at jean grey she was ostracized by all the mutants in the academy except a few on the team with her and I know for a fact that with her current power she couldn't harm me but really since I have no control on my abilities I wouldn't be able to do much either.

That's besides the point though as the X-men were getting closer they stopped in front of us allowing me to count who all was here, Storm, Cyclops, Jean, Wolverine, Nightcrawler, and the professor himself Charles Xavier. They were all wearing civilian clothes no doubt in an effort to not freak us out with their normal costumes, stopping about six feet in front of us the professor was the first to speak while I did my best to look confused and disinterested in him which I think actually annoyed cyclops and made wolverine crack a smile.

(Pro.X)"Hello there I'm professor Charles Xavier I believe you both are newly awakened mutants and I know you might be scared of your new gifts and may even feel that this is a curse but I'm here to show you otherwise and would like to invite you to my school for people like us so what do you think."

(Nick)"I think you should piss off."

That response actually seemed to stun everyone but the professor including my sister however she snapped back rather quickly. She immediately hit my chest which did nothing but kinda ruin my to cool for this moment.

(Kitty)"Nick what is wrong with you , I'm sorry he's not normally like this it's been a long night.!"

(Pro.X)"No please, I understand the awakening of powers and realization that you are a mutant can be stressful and sometimes cause you to lash out at others. I was much the same in my youth but I truly believe that if you both would allow myself and the others like us at my academy to help you through this trying time we could all grow together for the better."

Hmph clever deflecting blame as well as giving me a way out of taking the blame for my actions all the while turning our attention to you and your academy; to top it off you made it seem like you are some benevolent guardian worried about our safety instead of our powers. Are the writers sure your not Loki's progeny after all you definitely inherited his silver tongue. However thanks but no thanks Picard I plan on keeping myself and my sister out of you and your boyfriends games of cat and mouse. Besides I have some other benefactors in mind and if my senses are right they're about to join the party!

(Nick)"Nah I meant what I said piss off we don't want anything to do with you the whole reason I even stop here was because I knew someone was following us now that we know who you are and what you want you can promptly leave. So bye bye!"

I waved goodbye at the slack jawed group and turned around to face the direction I knew the other party was coming from. Kitty on the other hand went closer to my side and whispered into my ear but I knew that at least one member in the X-men could still hear us but I didn't really care so I let the wolf be.

(Kitty)"Um Nick are you sure we shouldn't at least try to talk to them I mean a whole school with people like us doesn't sound that bad, plus if they really do have powers then I don't think it's such a good idea to make them mad what if they try to kill us!"

(Nick in telepathy)"Please use telepathy when your trying to convey serious stuff because i know at least one of them heard you next even if they tried to kill us they pose no real threat unless the redhead goes crazy so you see we can say or do whatever we want to them because they are weak and the weak don't deserve our time or effort unless they can be used to execute our ambitions."

With that i patted her on the head thrice and faced forward waiting for the second party to arrive. While i was waiting the toy men behind us were figuring out their next move. However they took a break when saw our other guests arrive fashionably late as always. Walking up the opposite end of the pathway clad in the iconic white stripper outfit was the one and only Emma frost, behind her was Callisto, Psylocke, and Azazel.

(Nick)"Well well well it seems that all the guests are here and we all seem ready to rock so what do you say we get this party started!"