On the Table

Both parties immediately looked at me like I was insane but I didn't care because soon I would own some of them anyway and who wants a boss who doesn't know how to have fun. Placing my hands behind my back I closed my fist together and began using matter manipulation to make some very "special" gifts for my future subjects or should I say employee's? Regardless of what I call them I as a great and respectable leader needed to address them in order set a standard for the coming days of course I used my abilities to amplify and give an almost surround sound quality to my voice.

(Nick)"Hello..hello..hello, and welcome all who have gathered here for my attention. Unfortunately none of you met the criteria required to have me join your team however I am not a god without vision, therefore I will grant a select few of you the chance to join me at the foot of my throne. I grant you few you happy few the chance to join the right side; the only side; the side of a god and take up positions of power in the new world…. My New World!"

After finishing my speech I tossed out five tokens they looked like small children's buzzers with a gray base and a blue button you press down. One went to Jean then Storm, Logan, psylocke, and Callisto. They all looked confused as to what they were holding in their hands but when they say the toy buzzer I could swear I saw Storm and Logan chuckle the others immediately dismissed it as a toy and were about to throw them away before I held up a hand.

(Nick)"Before you dismiss these gadgets as mere children's toys let me tell you of their true purpose-" That managed to catch their attention and caused everyone to take a second look at the buzzers."you see the devices you now hold are actually communicating devices should you push the button I'll take it as a sign that you accept my offer and I will come to get you wherever you are."

(Psylocke)"And why exactly would we join you what can you give us!"

(Nick)"Simple I can give you all what you've been seeking this entire time… Stability, you see the X-men so you call yourselves yes I know who you are, you proclaim to peacefully fight for mutant equality but what you actually do is show weakness mutant neighborhoods are raided everyday by anti-mutant hate groups and what do you do you turn the other cheek and use words when actions are needed; when our brothers and sisters are beaten and killed in the streets or worse their captured and sold to be experimented on and weaponized you do nothing but posture about how you save a few while the many still suffer.Then there's the hellfire club and the brotherhood you all don't know the difference between necessary force and abuse of abilities you believe every altercation requires a fight even when simple words or threats of violence will suffice you all are the exact thing the humans fear the most mutants with powerful abilities and no limit on their willingness to use them; you all are children with the powers of gods and none of their common sense, which is why I will take the best of both groups to achieve what neither ever could I will establish a place for all mutant kind while also establishing a relationship with humans. But to accomplish this task I will require generals those who will be the foundation of my kingdom in this world and many others."

(Logan)"That sounds all well and good but you've made it a point to show that your most likely the strongest person here and even if you didn't my senses are going crazy telling me your fucking dangerous so the question I got is why do you need our help since none of us are strong next to you."

(Nick)"While it's true that I am the most powerful here currently that is only because those of you before me lack the means to unlock your true potential but fear not for I'm not like your previous leaders with false promises of unlocking your potential only to burry it deep within you because i might feel threatened, and to prove it Logan step forward."

I motioned for wolverine to come closer to me he hesitated at first but then he shook his head like a dog who had come to a decision and took a step forward. Storm moved to grab him but she was stopped by the professor who claimed wolverine would be fine regardless of what I do because of his healing factor. I guess he didn't take me seriously when I said I was the most powerful here he must be trusting in the fact that Jean has the Phoenix force which is currently locked away but I'll fix that soon enough. As Logan made his way over to me I could tell he was on edge ever muscle in his body coiled like a spring ready to release and jump back to the "safety" of the professor, but I don't mind after all he doesn't know any better though when I'm done with him he'll know everything. Logan stopped a foot in front of me and it just now occurred to me how short he was or I guess how tall I am since he stood at 5'3 while stood at 8'0 feet tall so I practically dwarfed him I looked down to meet his eyes and places my thumbs at the center of his forehead.

(Nick)"This will feel uncomfortable at the very least and extraordinarily painful at the most are you certain you wish to proceed?"

(Logan)" No backin out now punk you said you'd make me powerful…so do it."

Logan almost growled the last part at me so I just nodded and appreciated his stubbornness to push forward with reckless acts. The first thing I did had nothing to do with Logan but myself I used power manipulation to give myself three abilities I had been thinking about throughout my entire speech. You see my issue was even if I did want to unlock their full potential I wasn't sure how to do that with my current abilities so the solution I came up with was if I couldn't with my current abilities why not acquire other abilities that are capable of forcing their potential to awaken, with that I gave myself.


Name: Nicholas Pryde

Race: New god(Darkseid strain)


New god Physique: High intelligence, Immortality, Stamina, nigh-invulnerable, Instant Mastery, Forceful growth, limit break, evolution, paths of growth, foresight, gene manipulation

Omega effect: Teleportation,Mind Control;Psionic Possession,Telekinesis, Telepathy,Matter Manipulation,Size Manipulation,Energy Projection,Cosmic Awareness,Power Manipulation,Soul Manipulation,Time Travel,Resurrection,Avatar Creation,Entity Creation,Omega Beams,Omega Sanction


With the new abilities I had given myself I would be able to not only supremely enhance what was already there I would be able to see how the enhancements would react with each other and guide them away from negative reactions to produce only the most powerful abilities without the drawbacks that often come with new abilities. With my preparations done I began to work on the wolverine himself using paths of growth and foresight I was able to predict most of the outcomes of forcing the evolution of his abilities so I started to play around with different actions I might take to look at the probable results of my tampering. Some were good others not so much since gene tampering was not exactly recommended, I played around with thousands of possibilities ever throwing in the possibility of me adding abilities before tampering with the old and the new after about five minutes of messing with fate I eventually decided upon three possible outcomes with the best potential.

The first was when I guided his growth towards and more agile hunter his super human strength, speed, agility, and dexterity would be pushed to the absolute limit he'd have a leaner build for fast movement and probably relay on hit and run attacks in combat. Next was what i called "the pack" which gave him the ability to hive mind with any animals in his radius of a kilometer and use them to scout or attack his enemies I would also focus more boosting his strength and mind to the limit but he's not without speed it just not the main focus. The last option was what I called "the beast" Logan's super human abilities would be pushed to the limits while also trying to maintain a balance his senses would be on par with a sixth sense or foresight ability and his healing factor would be unmatched ,even if all but one of his atoms was destroyed he would make a full recovery in a few days it was ungodly, but the true strength of the beast is in its transformation he would be able to use his bestial nature to shift into werewolf taller than I am he would become the ultimate killing machine with speed, strength, and senses none but the most powerful could keep up with but the true danger is that he would be conscious the entire time wolverine is a master tactician and his mind would be getting an upgrade if I forced him to evolve like this he'd be on par with quantum computers with his thinking I pity any he would call his opponent,there was only one problem with this path.

After I finished making the options I telepathically transmitted them to Logan and asked him to choose his path. At first he looked confused about why I was asking him but I just explained that it was his life so he should decide. Logan nodded and went into deep thought before looking up at me and nodding.

(Nick)"Well then try not to scream."