Chapter Five: Moving On

Last night's dream was so painful knowing that it would never be true. So I didn't start off my week on a high note, but one thing did come good from yesterday. Luke told me I looked cute in my pj's and messy hair. He told me that I should just go to school like that everyday. I couldn't but blush so hard, he was sweet.

I was currently in 5th period, we had a sub so it really was a free period. I was talking to Jordyn the whole class. She told me how she thinks Ray is going to ask Jenny to homecoming or he was going to ask Tori, but apparently she rejected him because she wanted to go with her friends instead. I tried telling her that he wanted to ask her, but she wouldn't listen to me.

More into our conversation she told me that Ray thinks Luke likes me. I couldn't believe her, but then I started thinking about when we first met and then the mall and then yesterday when he called me cute. I mean I guess it was possible, but those are just little things, nothing big really so there's no need to over react. Luke was pretty hot though. He had perfectly tanned skin, dark black hair, and gorgeous blue eyes.

"Come on Aly, maybe you should give your attention to Luke. I bet I can get Ray to tell me if he really likes you, I mean they're practically best friends," she tried to convince me.

"I don't know Jordyn, he most likely doesn't," I said to her.

"But, what if he does," she said holding the 't' in 'but.'

"Fine, have Ray ask Luke what he thinks of me I guess," I gave in, god this feels like middle school again.

"Wait, do you like him? Or do you think there's a chance you could like him?" She asked me.

"There's definitely a chance, I need to move on from whatever I am feeling towards Jude," I turn my head to see him talking to some of the guys on the football team, "besides," I start as I turn back to Jordyn, "nothing is going to happen," I say and with that the bell rings for school to be over.

Jordyn and I go to my locker to put my books away when I see Luke come up on my other side.

"I'm gonna go put my books away, I'll meet you at the front to walk home with you," Jordyn says before walking away.

"I guess you finally learned how to open your locker," he said with a smirk.

"Very funny, I learned after the first week of school so thank you very much," I said as I closed my locker as a little kid.

"Oh what are you, five?" He said teasing me.

"I am actually almost 15, you're five years off," I told him and he laughed.

"It's ten years, Aly," he said hitting his hand on his forehead. Shit I must have sounded extremely stupid. He could tell I was embarrassed.

"Yeah, uhh, that's what I meant," why am I so nervous around him now?

"It's okay, it's cute when you act dumb," he laughed. I wasn't acting, five accidentally came out instead of ten. I mentally palmed my forehead. I couldn't help but blush when he called me cute again.

"Um, thanks," I smiled.

"Aw, are your cheeks a little red," he teased. I was really embarrassed now.

"It's okay, you're cute," he told me, which made me turn even more red. I could feel the heat on my cheeks.

"Um anyway, where's your school spirit. Why aren't you a hippie?" I asked him trying to change the topic.

"Wasn't feeling it today, but tomorrow is twin day and me and Ray have something hilarious planned," oh dear Jesus what could that be.

For the next few seconds we just walked together outside where I was suppose to meet Jordyn, but she wasn't there yet. Luke was first to break the silence.

"I bet you she's with Ray, they've been inseparable since the mall," he says.

"Why won't they just admit they like each other," I say with a small laugh at the end.

"You really think they like each other?" He asked.

"I just have a vibe about them, that's all. I know guys and girls can be just friends trust me. I mean, we're friends right?" I only say this because I want to see if he will say something about it.

"Right, right," is all he said with a nod.

"And of course, Jude and I are just friends so that proves guys and girls can be friends," I tried to continue the conversation.

"You are?" He said with a little shock in his tone.

"Yeah, did you think we were something else?" I said with the fakest laugh ever, but I don't think he noticed.

"Well I just assumed that you were reserved for him. After Sabrina, or maybe the side piece," those were the most idiotic words that have ever come out of his mouth since I met him.

"What the hell is that suppose to mean? Reserved for him? His side piece?" I was mad now. What the fuck, is that what everyone thinks? That I'm going to wait for him to be done with Sabrina? Or that I'm trying to come in between them?

"Whoa, cool it. Everyone just assumes that your his girl, that no matter what he says about Sabrina, he secretly deep down likes you," he said defending himself.

"I can assure you, there is nothing going on with me and Jude," the next thing I was going to say took everything in me to get it out, "and nothing will ever happen between us. We'll forever just be best friends, or friends if anything," I managed to say, and I think I meant every word.

"That's good to know," he said with an adorable smile and winked. That's when Jordyn came.

I said bye to Luke before leaving with Jordyn. I told her everything while we were walking to my house. I think I'm finally moving on.