A job offer

Sunday 20th october

"ah cr*p my money is almost gone 2.000 yen is left"

akito lost alot of money because of his wasteful behavior.

"damn it, i think i should stop buying good foods and start getting a job, hmm..... where should i get a job"

a random person then calls for akito

"hey....., you"


"I've finally found you Mr akito"

"wait what? you know me? who are you?"

"yes, my name is iori, nice to meet you"

"nice to meet you too..."

akito confused about what happened.

"i heard that you are one of fujiro's associate you killed a criminal mastermind that's why we all are searching for you"

"wait..., don't tell me!, you're a police officer?!"

"actually, no, we've come to recruit you"


"the organization called C.H.O. (criminal hunting organization) it's to capture criminals or even killing them we have many reports of a strange powers similar to the one that you kill.

"you mean zen?"

"yes but it appears that it's not only zen who cause quite a trouble for the police but it also cause a lot of trouble for the government"

"so we offer you a job to assassinate, to capture criminals if you decline we won't force any further"

without hesitation and serious akito then accepts his offer.

"count me in"

"what?,no second thought?"

"I was looking for a job, and then you showed up offering me a job, but for assassination i don't know about that"

"wait a minute does fujiro works with you?"

"unfortunately, no, he is a solo detective so he doesn't work with us"

"then how'd you know fujiro?"

"because of the leads that a young detective with his assistant is catching the most dangerous criminal groups i didn't think he could manage to end his mission and died, he's a great man"


"so... what's my income in this job"

"upto 50,000 to 100,000 yen per mission"

akito with shocked face

"holy sh*t"

"a great deal right?"

"hell yeah"

"very well, we will wait for your arrival here's the location, make sure to arrive tomorrow morning"



"I have school tomorrow could it not be morning"

"very well until your class's over come to us"


"see you then"

iori bowed to akito then leaves.

akito delivering a great news that he has a new job to his family

"mom, kei, i have a job now!"

"my my, what a wonderful news"

"i see so you have already become the Garbage man"

"ye- what? no!, of course not idiot"

"so what a security guard?"

akito with sparkling eyes then tells kei

"well no, i work at a special organization and i can't wait"

"fufu~ do your best now, getting a job is very difficult so make sure you do your best"

"yes mom!"

"if you get paid could you treat me a ramen"

"buy it your own!"

"don't be such a stingy brother"

"*sigh* fine"

"yippy, thanks brother"

as akito tells the news akito then waits for the next day.


akito went to school and tells the news that he's got a job

kurokawa asked

"wow what job is it"

"it's like patrolling the streets, UmU can't wait to work at my first job"

aizo jealous

"heh...must be great huh working at a big organization even though you're still a high schooler"

"hahaha don't be jealous aizo I'm sure that when i become a manager i would hire you"

aizo excited


"of course my dear friend"

"thanks, buddy"

they continue chatting as they go to school.

several hours later.

the school is over and akito rushes to the location he was given.

akito shortly arrives and iori was waiting for him at the front gate.

"took you long enough, come in"

"yes sir!"

"so this is akito you were mentioning about?"

"yes sir"

a strange white suited man then approaches akito.

"greetings, my name is president koichi glad to have you here and you?"

koichi then handshakes akito

"my name is akito yuuta and me too sir! glad to be here"

"good, i heard you are quite promising i hope in the next future you bring hope to this organization"

"yes sir"

"alright I'll give you one job this is also a test of your strength are you prepared for this"

"yes sir!"

"hmph I'm starting to like you, alright then here's the information about a criminal who enslaved a girl 3 witnesses reported this crime hours ago, could you do it?"

"yes sir!"

"good, your first mission is to assassinate them, they have done very bad crimes and they won't get away with this, and also rescue that girl"

akito then nervously said

"yes sir!"

koichi then gives akito the suspects location and akito is ready for his first mission.

koichi gives akito a job to do and was tasked to kill the suspects, akito then parkour his way to the suspects location.

he then arrives at the location, and it's like an ordinary rent house.

his head is boggling him thinking of koichi's words

"assassinate them"

he then sneaks through their apartment and heard a girl screaming and slapping

"I suppose he's right they don't deserve to live, I'll kill those bastards"

he then masked his face with a new mask and intrudes them but they saw him trying to break in and then reports the whole resident alerts all the criminals.

akito then uses his incredible speed chopping their heads, screams and choking in blood can be heard inside the house then the suspect took hostage of the girl and threatens to kill her.

akito points his blade at him.

"release her"

"try me punk!, I'll fricking blow her head off"

akito then uses his energy creation creating a small laser then slice his hands.

panicked and crawls trying to escape from akito, akito then stabs his back immediately kills him.

akito then saw a girl that looks at the same age as him, akito then unmasked his face and asked what's her name.

"my name is akito yuuta, what is your name"

her eyes looks lifeless and her clothes are torn off, she is wounded all over her body.

"my name is momoiro hana, call me hana"

scared and don't know what to do, akito then lift his hand reaches her head and pats her.

"you'll be alright, i promise I'll protect you"

hana calms down and her shivers stopped

akito then carries her to the hospital.

she was treated physically and mentally she suffers a trauma and she tells her story that she's been like this for 8 years, a human trafficking victim, a slave, and she's an orphan, as akito hears her story he felt bad for her that she doesn't have anywhere else to live, he then gives her a place to stay at his house.

akito then comes back with the reports of his tasks.

"not bad, you've done Great"

koichi then gives him the price money total of 70.000 yen.

"you look sad what happened?"

"that girl i save she was in terrible state, she telling her stories makes me heartbroken"

"oh akito that's how life is, people's fate can be very miserable or just ended instantly, life is like a gamble many people are lucky but many people are not, that is what life's all about"

akito then bowed and said thanks for the money.

akito then takes his leave and picks up hana to his place.

hana nervously try to step in and scared.

"there's no need to be scared of it's alright"

hana then steps in to the door.

"mom... I'm home"

"my my, akito who is that poor girl why is she in a bad shape?"

"I took her with me, she has nowhere else to live so it'll be better to let her stay for a while.

kei then comes in with a suprised face

"is that your girlfriend??"

akito blushes

"NO, SHE'S NOT,eh ahem, sorry about that hana my annoying sister is always like this"

"hey kei, could you share a room with her"

"sure, come in hana I'm sure we'll have fun"

akito smiles and felt relieved then he gives his money to his mother

"here's my paycheck"

"oh my, you certainly have been working hard"


then they have dinner and invites hana for dinner

"come and sit hana dear"

"yes ma'am"

"aww, don't call me like that, call me aunty aiko"

"yes aunty"

akito smiles happily

"let's enjoy our dinner"

"thanks for the food!"

then they eat, but hana didn't eat a thing.

"what's wrong hana?"

"I can't this meal it's too much for me, I've rarely had this much food, i only eat less just for replenishing my energy"

akito understands she is traumatized about her past.

aiko then tells her to don't worry about it.

"oh poor girl, there's no need to be like that, eat as many as you like"

Hana's eyes pupils that is lifeless and now filled.

"I get that you can't eat much cause of your experience in your past life, but this is your new life now eat with us"

hana cries noisily and slowly enjoying her food..

"it taste very delicious"

they all smiled

"we're glad, welcome to the family"

and they all enjoyed their dinner with their new family smiles in joy as they saw hana eating enjoying her food.

then hana went to take a bath and washes herself.

she looks very pretty and beautiful as she already cleans herself, akito blushes and looks away.

kei shares her room with hana and sleeps.

then suddenly hana leaves the room, akito hears a footstep coming from below he then checks downstairs and saw hana is crying, sobbing,shivering and sitting in the corner.

akito wants to calm her down, but he thought it's not a good idea and it's best to let her be.

akito then went back to his room.

he then goes back to sleep and so is hana.