A flower that blooms

Later on the next day.

The family wakes up and goes for breakfast

Aiko asked Hana if she wants to go to school.

"Hana would you like to go to school?"

"eh, no no there's no need for you to educate me" Hana said nervously

"It's okay I see you as part of the family, so make sure you get smarter" Aiko said while patting Hana

"uh ok" Hana accepts it

Aiko then pays for her fee to go to school and signing for her to register at Akito's school .

akito then goes to school and tells his friends about a new student

"hey, there's a friend of mine the same age will be in our school"

aizo and kurokawa with shocked face.

"really who?"

"her name is Hana"

aizo said

"A girl eh Hope she's pretty"

"well in my view yeah she's pretty"

"I see, can't wait"

2 days later.


Thursday 24th October

akito hana and kei ready for school

they walked

"you look good in your uniform hana"

Hana blushes

"w-well thank you"

Akito smiles

"make sure you don't feel troubled in school, also feel free to asked if something's bothering you just don't cause any trouble."

Hana nodded

They walked to school and as they arrive Hana and Akito is in the same class

"m-my name is hana nice to meet you all"

everyone was like opening their mouth


her beauty attracts many people as they looking at her.

aizo whispers

"psst, dang she's pretty your sure have a beautiful friend"

"haha, well she and i live together"

"what??, you lucky bastard, well atleast introduce me to her"

"haha, I will"

"thank you"

seconds later many people wants to be friend with her, akito smiled in the back seeing her making friends.

soon after

a guy approaches hana

"hey pretty girl wanna hang out in my place"

touching her in a inappropriate place

"n-no please I'm sorry"

the guy then whispers

"if you don't, I'll tell everyone in the school about your secret"

the guy's blackmailing her and hana was scared and don't know what to say, she thought that he knows that she was a slave.

she remembers akito's words to not cause trouble, then she follows his orders going to his home.

akito is searching for hana but couldn't find her and asked around the place and someone answered

"wasn't she was with someone, i think that guy just took her with him"

akito then gets angry and lift his shirt pulling him to a quiet place


sweating and scared

"he said that he's going to his house and play with her"

akito felt suspicious and tells him where he's at

"he's at block 63 near the apartment"

akito then rushes fast as a bullet then found the place.

he saw in the window a guy grabbing Hana's inappropriate place as hana fights back.

angered he then smashes the door.

he then got scared and threatens him by taking hana hostage.

akito then gives him a warning

"release her and I'll let you go"

he won't let go because he's scared and then akito saw a red mark in Hana's cheeks, angered akito then uses his energy creation creating a small laser and shoots him in his arm.

"what's gone in to you boy!"

akito then snaps out of it

the guy screams in agony akito then calms down

"I'll let you go this time, but i already reported this to the police so you better prepare for the worst"

akito grabs Hana's hand and leaves the place

hana said while crying

"I'm sorry, for troubling you"

akito sighed and goes down on his knees calming down hana by grabbing her hand.

"it's fine, you don't need to cry anymore, whenever you're in trouble just call for help don't thought of it that you'll get hurt because of wasting their time"

akito stands up and pats her while smiling

"it's because I'm your new family now"

Hana's tears stopped and hugs Akito tightly thanking him, Akito blushes.

"Ey ey ey, I'm gonna fall, well I don't mind but, you know what forget it lets get back home"

Hana follows him and stays beside Akito.

kei is waiting at the school gate

"there you are, don't tell me you two go on a date"

akito blushes and explains what happened

"d-date, no it's not, she was hurt by a perverted bastard in your class"

kei is shocked and checks on hana and puts a band-aid on her cheeks and knee.

"don't worry me like that if you have trouble just call us ok"

hana remembers what akito said and said ok

then they went home.

several hours later a crime was reported of a r*pe the suspects is sentenced for r*pe and violence and imprisonment for 12 years.

they went home and hana seems happy and calm, akito guesses that

"she must have feel comfortable now because of how we treated her, I'm glad"

the family is happy to see hana then they start having dinner and she isn't scared anymore.

akito went to his room and talks to medusa.

"I almost lost control back there but i felt normal and almost killed him"

"maybe it's because when fujiro died that makes me insecure"

"boy, may i ask"


"do you remember how'd you get your power boost when you almost died?"

"I remember he speaks with me and we chatted about my karmanic binds"

"I see, may i know his name"


medusa is very shocked and suprised

"rakusha..... you say??"

"yes why?"

"he is a strongest being that has ever lived, he rules over the throne of karma of vengeance, which gives people power for the sake of their vengeance"

"you've been talking about karma like punishment to ones action but isn't karma also revenge?"

"karma is vengeance from nature but if you possesses its power it'll only makes you stronger and stronger, his abilities are unknown to me but he's a very high ranking demon."

"i see, oh well I'll go to sleep"

Medusa then quiets down as akito went to sleep and rested their stamina.