8. Merlion Park

"Oh okay. Btw, how was your internship, smooth?" asked Gerry. The question made Clarissa gasp a little. The thing he had wanted to avoid since noon was to remember about apprenticeships. His brother's presence made him forget the problem a little, but unexpectedly his brother even asked about it.

"Hey, why are you still awake? I asked, how's your internship?" Gerry repeated his question.

"Smooth, really smooth," Clarissa replied, lying. It's nothing, he just doesn't want to talk about that guy anymore. It seemed, just remembering her name Clarissa was fed up.

"Good then. Then how is the CEO good or not?" asked Gerry again.

Clarissa squinted, she had a little trouble swallowing her saliva. "Why are you even asking that? Oh man, it just makes me feel bad," Clarissa grumbled in her heart.

"Fine, he's very good. Eh, it doesn't feel like we've arrived at Orchard Road," Clarissa immediately changed the subject so that her sister would no longer ask about anything related to internships because Clarissa was very reluctant to discuss it.

"Wow, that's right, it's close," said Gerry.

"Yeah, I've told you several times that Orchard Road is close to Grandma's apartment. I've been here a lot almost every day because apart from the supermarket, this is also one of my favorite places to shop," explained Clarissa.

"Well, that's great then," said Gerry casually.

"Let's go shopping," Clarissa exclaimed.

The atmosphere of Orchard Road looks even more beautiful at night. Lots of twinkling lights along the way. Not to mention, the shops along Orchard road are getting busier at night. It was Gerry's first time setting foot on the premises here. He was so enthusiastic to see the splendor and beauty of this place called Orchard Road.

Gerry couldn't wait to visit every shop there because he thought they were very interesting. it is the same as shops in Indonesia, the only difference is in terms of the place and the architecture. And all these sights looked very new to Gerry's eyes, so that was why he was so enthusiastic.

"Ris, what place is that?" Gerry is at a place that is dominated by pink. Even though it was clear that there was already a large sign that read "Beauty Angela".

"That's a special beauty treatment place for women," answered Clarissa, the girl was holding back from laughing out loud since she saw her sister's behavior like that.

"Oh I see, it's only right that it's all pink," said Gerry.

Clarissa chuckled, "Yes, even though there are writings on every shop. So you can find out what they are selling. Why are you still asking," the girl could only shake her head at the silliness of her brother.

"Yeah, I didn't see the writing."

"You can't be the reason. So where are we going now? Or just want to walk around like this, not going shopping?" Clarissa asked.

Traveling on Orchard Road doesn't cost you a penny if you don't shop for something or just look around.

"I want to buy clothes in Singapore. I want to see what the clothes here are like," answered Gerry.

"Yes, as long as you are not surprised at the price, shopping here requires a lot of budgets,"

"Relax, I've brought all my savings so far. After all, how expensive are the clothes here," said Gerry with his arrogant style.

"Good then. Just get ready all your savings will run out in an instant. Why don't you ask Daddy for money, you already know you want to come here but only brought a little money."

Gerry glared, "Daddy wouldn't want to give me money just to have fun like this. Daddy is indeed a rich man, but when it comes to money, he is more careful than moneylenders," said Gerry casually.

"Don't say that, he's your father after all," Clarissa cried.

"Your father too," replied Gerry.

They both laughed at the same time.

Unlike Clarissa, whose wishes are always fulfilled here, because her grandmother is very kind to her, the girl often spends money just on beauty treatments, shopping for clothes, shoes, and others. Meanwhile, Gerry, all his expenses must always be recorded for a monthly report to his father. Maybe all Gerry's needs are met and he can also set aside a little money to save. But, Gerry can't spend time or spend every week like Clarissa.

"Welcome and Happy Shopping"

That's how the operator's voice sounded as soon as they entered a shop. Clarissa took her sister to a large women's and men's clothing store. This place is also one of his favorite places, he always comes here if he wants to buy clothes. Because in this shop, all the clothes are stylish, elegant, and very cool.

"Wow, I can't wait to pick out clothes," Gerry muttered, his eyes darting around looking here and there.

"Yes, Gerry. Please choose the right clothes. That's where the boys' clothes are, there are the pants, there's the sweaters, hoodies, denim, all of them. You just have to choose," Clarissa showed one by one the parts of this shop.

"You mean I have to go alone? What if there are Caucasians who ask, I can't speak English," protested Gerry.

"You're so scared. I guarantee you, no one will ask you. Then if you have a problem, just call me. Because I'm also picky about clothes here," Clarissa pushed her sister to leave quickly. It's nothing, he just doesn't like it when he sees his brother whining like that. Although Clarissa knew that Gerry was like that because he felt he couldn't speak English fluently, so it worried him a little. But in the end, Gerry wanted to go alone without being accompanied by his sister.

Clarissa was busy picking out clothes in the store, apparently, since her last visit, this store has a lot of stock of the latest models that make her shopping spirit thrash. The beautiful girl was very enthusiastic about choosing the existing clothes.

Suddenly there was a toy car that approached her and hit Clarissa's leg, then she took the toy because she wanted to know who the owner was. These were remote-controlled toy cars, so Clarissa hadn't seen who the owner was.