9. Enemy Or Friends?

At first, she would be angry with the owner of the toy for being so presumptuous, but when she saw a very adorable 3-year-old boy, Clarissa gave up.

"That's mine," said the boy, his voice very funny.

"Is this yours?" Clarissa asked. The boy nodded.

Then Clarissa's squatted down to give the toy to its owner.

"Next time, be careful, OK," Clarissa smiled kindly.

"Okay, I'm sorry," said the child, smiling back.

"You are so cute," Clarissa stroked the boy's hair fondly.

"Evans, honey," a woman called. "Mamy looked for you in various places and you are here," he continued.

The girl went straight to the boy, but when Clarissa saw the face of the woman who seemed to be the child's mother, Clarissa was very surprised, her eyes opened wide.

"Nindy," Clarissa muttered, quietly.

When her name was called, the woman looked up, her eyes met Clarissa's.

"Clarissa? Why can I meet him here," said the woman in her heart.

"Evans, are you all right?" Nindy asked, she hastily turned her gaze to Evans and didn't even notice Clarissa's presence.

"I'm fine, Mom," Evans.

"Thanks, let's go. Mamah already said, you shouldn't talk to strangers carelessly," said Nindy. His words may have been aimed at Evans, but it was as if he assumed that Clarissa was someone who could have malicious intentions towards her child. Even though he knew who the girl in front of him was.

Clarissa was silent, she didn't respond to Nindy's words or even greet her. He just looked at Nindy and his son away with a look that was difficult to interpret.

Clarissa let out a long sigh, "Wow, this world is so small. How can I meet two people I don't want to meet in one day," Clarissa said.

Somehow today he got a lot of things that he did not want to happen. Clarissa hoped that her meeting today with the two of them would not change anything in her current life. Let it be, Singapore is wide, it doesn't matter if you have to live in the same country. As long as Clarissa doesn't include them in her life again.

Clarissa also couldn't understand why the wrong person was the one who hated her the most. Even though it was clear he was in the wrong, but instead, he was also the one who hated it. I don't know, what position in Clarissa's life is that woman now, enemy or friend?

After Nindy and her son left, Clarissa was silent for a moment, her eyes looking at the rows of clothes that she had been enthusiastic about choosing. However, his gaze was blank somewhere. To be sure, the wound in the brown-eyed girl's heart that she had covered for years, is now open again and it turns out that the pain is still the same and hasn't diminished since the first time she got the wound.

The little boy was very cute and adorable, if he is Nindy's child, it means he is also the child of…

"Ah, why do I keep thinking about that," Clarissa shook her head quickly as she closed her eyes, "Anyway I don't want to deal with them anymore, my life is mine, their life is theirs. I don't need to worry anymore," he continued.

Because of that incident, Clarissa's shopping mood was ruined, she was no longer enthusiastic about choosing those clothes, let alone choosing, Clarissa didn't want to continue this trip either. The beautiful girl wanted to go home soon.

Clarissa meant to call Gerry, but before that suddenly a notification came into her cellphone.

"I thought there was a chat from whom, it turned out to be from Billy," Clarissa muttered.

Billy :

"Riss, I have good news for you."

That's the content of the message from the mixed-blood man. Clarissa squinted slightly, it seemed that there was indeed important information for her. But, even though Billy said it was good news, for some reason Clarissa didn't feel well.

Me :

"What news? Just watch out if it's just a prank."

Clarissa replied to Billy's chat, it didn't take long for the guy to reply.

Billy :

"I got a call from the CEO of Anggara Company, he said, I and you were accepted for an internship at the company, he couldn't contact you because your CV doesn't have a cellphone number."

Clarissa was wide-eyed when she read the contents of the message from Billy, she gulped her saliva with a pitiful face.

"This isn't happy news, it's bad news, it's the worst news I've ever heard," Clarissa grumbled to herself.

Why did the CEO even accept himself there, even though Clarissa hoped that she wouldn't be accepted as an internship at the company? That means that disaster will soon begin in his life that has begun to be safe for the next few months. But at least God is still good to him because this morning he forgot to include his cellphone number in his CV. If not, it's over.

Me :

"Good then, so he doesn't know my cellphone number."

Billy :

"Who is he? Do you mean Mr. John, Ris? But earlier I gave your cellphone number to Mr. Johan because he asked for it, I feel bad if I don't give it."

Clarissa's eyes were perfectly open, she held her breath as she read the message from her friend. Just now he was a little grateful, now there is nothing more to be grateful for.

"Oh my, Billyyyy…." Clarissa squeezed the flat object in her hand tightly. He was so angry with the man named Billy Baswara.

Billy :

"Ris, there is no problem if you give your cellphone number to Mr. John, right?"

"Ris, why is it only read."


Billy sent several messages at once because Clarissa never replied to his messages. The anger had now clotted in his boiling blood. Clarissa was reluctant to reply to messages from Billy, but if she let him, Billy would continue to spam chat with her.

Me :