10. Badmood

Clarissa deliberately used the caps lock button in his message this time, to let Billy know that he was annoyed with him. After that, Clarissa immediately turned off her cellphone data so that Billy could no longer disturb her.

The girl immediately jogged to find Gerry. Because the shop is indeed big here.

"Where's Gerry?" call Clarissa.

"Ris, I'm here," said Gerry, waving his hand. Turns out he was in the jacket section, like sweaters, hoodies, and the like.

"Gerry, haven't you?" Clarissa asked, she saw that in her sister's shopping basket there were already several T-shirts, shirts, and jeans.

"Not yet, I want to choose a jacket first, after that it's done," replied Gerry casually.

"Gerry, you seriously want to spend that much? Do you have enough money?" Clarissa asked again.

"Don't worry, it's not much," Gerry still answered confidently.

"You're so arrogant, later if you don't have enough money ...," Clarissa didn't finish mocking suddenly her cellphone rang, the girl glanced slightly at her cellphone. On the flat screen, there was an anonymous number calling, his heart immediately went crazy. Even though he didn't know who was calling, he had a bad feeling because it was a new number.

"Who's calling?" asked Gerry.

"Hah, I don't know, this is a new number, maybe my friend," answered Clarissa.

"Please, answer the phone,"

"Um, yes, I want to answer this. You go to the cashier first, I'll follow later," Clarissa said. She was worried that if it was the boy and her brother who would find out about it, Clarissa was sure that Gerry would be very angry.

Gerry knew very well how depressed Clarissa was when it happened, Gerry also knew how sick his sister was. And she hated him a lot, too, so if Gerry found out the guy was here too, he'd be furious.

"Okay, I'm going to the cashier now," said Gerry as he left with all his shopping.

After Gerry left, Clarissa just picked up the phone. At first, he was reluctant because he was worried that his guess was right. But, he also wondered who was calling. What if it reaches a lecturer or other important person? He's finished...

Clarissa was silent even though she had already picked up the phone, she didn't want to talk until the person who called her spoke first.

"Hello," said the person on the other side.

Clarissa was stunned, she knew exactly who the voice belonged to. Therefore after she found out who was calling, Clarissa immediately ended the call.

"Ris, please don't turn off the phone first. I want to say, if you don't want to answer, that's okay. You just listen to me," said the man who was none other than Johan, just before Clarissa ended the call.

Clarissa was silent, her hands began to tremble, but she stopped herself for a moment.

"Ris, I know that I have hurt you, I also know that it must be difficult for you to forgive all my mistakes, but I beg of you, let me make up for everything -"

Tut… Tut… Tut

Clarissa had the heart to turn off her phone before Johan finished speaking. Clarissa was tired of listening to all the man's ramblings which she thought were like unsweetened milk or stale.

Just sorry, sorry, and sorry. Then said to redeem, fix, and that's all he's been saying since morning. there's nothing that can be fixed, it's too far to go back, and there's already another word for forgiveness for a man like him.

Clarissa hated listening to everything he said, she blocked Johan's number right away. The more Clarissa heard his voice, the bigger the wound in her heart. This was what Clarissa didn't want, being entangled in the past.

The girl has been struggling to get approval from her father to return to Singapore, one of the biggest reasons is because she wants to go far away from all her past in Indonesia. Kanya wants to start a new life here, without any interference from her past.

Running away from trouble is Clarissa's specialty, for three years she's gone far away just to find a place to hide so that no one from the past can find her. Maybe he couldn't deny that even during this flight, Clarissa's heart, which she had tried to bury deep, still haunted her mind. The pain, the regret, even the longing, were all still there even though he had tried to extinguish it.

But now, all his efforts were in vain. It was fate itself that brought him together with people from his past that he desperately wanted to avoid.

"Good grief, should I leave here again and return to Indonesia or look for another country?" that's what came to Clarissa's mind.

"Riss, Clarissa!" called Gerry, he came rushing over to his sister.

"Why? Why is your face panicking like that?" asked Clarissa, who was worried about her sister's worried face.

"It's bad, Riss. Turns out you're right, I don't have enough money," Gerry replied, his face already pitiful like he was about to cry.

Clarissa wanted to burst out laughing, luckily she was still able to stop herself from laughing too loudly, "What did I say, you never listen to what I have to say."

"Do not laugh. Come on, quickly help me, how can I not speak English anymore, I'm like a dumb person in front of the cashier. I feel like I want to disappear from the earth," said Gerry with his face red from panic mixed with embarrassment.

"Stop, don't make me laugh anymore, I can't stand the stomachache anymore," Clarissa said in between laughs.

"Ugh, stop. Don't laugh, I'm serious," Gerry snapped.

"Okay, okay, let's go to the cashier again,"

"Come on," Gerry immediately pulled his sister's hand to the cashier.

"But you brought more money, right? Bring an ATM or credit card?" asked Gerry then.

Clarissa shook her head, "No, I didn't bring any money, I didn't bring a credit card, I didn't bring anything," she continued. Clarissa spread her arms to show that she didn't bring anything.

"Then how do you want to pay? I told you it wasn't enough," shouted Gerry.

Clarissa's smile tugged at the corners of her lips, "Don't worry, I can handle it. You just wait here," Clarissa ordered. Gerry just nodded, as long as Clarissa still wanted to help him he would be quiet and just obey. Unexpectedly, it turns out that shopping at this store is indeed very draining, he thought it was only for clothes at the mall. In addition, Gerry also promised himself to learn English after returning from here so that he would not have any more trouble like now.

It didn't take long for Clarissa to solve all the problems that made her sister very panicked. He even came back with a few packages of his old stuff.

"Here are your groceries," Clarissa handed over all the tote bags she was carrying.

Gerry was a little surprised because all the things he chose were in the Tote bag.

"This is all? How could that be?" asked Gerry in surprise.

"I can, I'm great," Clarissa replied as she walked past her sister.

"Riss, wait. Answer my question first, you said you didn't bring money," Gerry tried to chase after his sister.

Clarissa stopped in her tracks while snorting in annoyance, "Gerry. I don't have any money with me. There's no way I can buy all my stuff."

Hearing that, Gerry smiled in relief, "Ah, that's good. Does that mean you were?"

"Questions that don't need to be answered," Clarissa said.

"So where are we going now? I'm hungry, let's eat," said Gerry.

"No, I'm not in the mood. I want to go home, I want to go to my room and sleep." Clarissa flatly refused her sister's invitation. He was already very dizzy by then, the only effective way was to go to his room and sleep.

"Ris, come on, I just bought this."

"Jeez, it's all been a huge sum of money, Gerry. My money also runs out for paying for your stuff. I'm tired and I want to go home, if you want to go out to eat, you go alone. Don't take me with you," Clarissa snapped as she walked briskly away from her sister who was still standing in front of the shop.

"Hey, Riss. Why are you angry?" Gerry called.

But Clarissa ignored it, she just kept walking without looking back.

"Riss! Clarissa!" called Gerry again, but Clarissa was getting farther away.

"What did I do wrong with him? It's weird, I have a sister who gets angry easily," Gerry grumbled.

Gerry could only shake his head, but he saw that Clarissa was getting farther away, it was dangerous if she was left alone here. He didn't know the way back to the apartment, even though it was close but he didn't know this area at all. Remembering that, Gerry immediately ran after Clarissa who was getting farther away.

"That's crazy, he's walking so fast," said Gerry, gasping for breath as he chased after his sister.

Now he had arrived in front of the apartment, while Clarissa had entered the lobby. Gerry again walked quickly after his sister.

Arriving at the apartment, Clarissa immediately entered the password to get inside. Luckily before the door closed again, Gerry was already there. So he can go straight in, Gerry doesn't know the password for this apartment door yet, so he can't just enter when the door is locked again.

"Are you guys home?" asked Caroline. Clarissa only answered with a nod of her head and went straight into her room still with a sullen face.

"Ugh, so tired. It's like running a race," said Gerry, he immediately sat down on the floor.

"Why you, Gerry?" asked Caroline.

"It's okay, Grandma. I'm tired of chasing Clarissa," replied Gerry.

"What have you guys done? Why is it that your sister looks so upset? You guys fighting?" asked Carolin again.

Gerry shook his head weakly, "I know what happened to Clarissa. He suddenly became angry and unclear, even though I was only taking him out to eat, Grandma," answered Gerry.

Carolin laughed at her granddaughter's answer, "Don't you think your sister is like that when she's in a bad mood. He gets mad at one person, but everyone around him gets angry with him."

"Yes, very true. I only asked him to eat because I was hungry, he got angry and just left," Gerry told his grandmother about everything that had happened.

"Just leave it alone, if you're hungry. Let's have dinner together," said Carolin. Incidentally, Gerry's stomach was already hungry.