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Chapter 3

I knew from the start that our relationship had to be a secret, no matter how much Kieran regretted it. His father is of the old “God created Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve” kind, and very vocally anti-gay. And as the heir to his father’s entire business empire—because apparently only eldest sons can inherit—Kieran has to stay on the straight and narrow, so hearing him say this now is jarring.

Kieran rests his hands on my neck. His gaze never leaves mine. “When I think about my life without you in it, I want to throw up. I literally get sick to my stomach.” He swallows, and a shiver racks his big body.

“Oh, honey.” I can’t keep my hands off him anymore, and I lay one hand over his heart and grab his waist with the other.

“I can’t hide what I feel about you anymore. I’ve thought about it for a long time, but I…” He draws a shuddering breath. “I’m a coward.”
