“You. Talking about risk.”
Hal brushed the comment away and continued to pace back and forth by the fire.
“Then why bring these fragile women here? People aren’t machines. You can’t control them, least of all their emotions. Besides, this weekend was youridea, not mine.”
“Nice to have your undying support, lover.”
“You found Devonshire, rented it, took care of all the particulars, the food, the van, and even saw to the launch that was ready and waiting when we arrived.” Guy took a breather and stepped back a bit from his diatribe. It seemed to be doing neither of them much good. “Just let them enjoy each other’s company, their developing friendships, and see where it goes. They might even achieve together what we’ve failed miserably at during months of therapy. How’s that for experimental? I’m just surprised you haven’t fallen right in line with what’s happening here.”