Chapter 13

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Ash grew restless on the roof. She thought she heard noises from below, but wasn’t sure. The sun beat down on her, and at first Ash had soaked up the rays happily. She felt at peace up here. But now she was worried.

A thump sounded from below and Ash flinched. She knewshe had heard something that time. She couldn’t hide if Dayna and Kevin were in trouble. She reached for her bag just as the bedroom door slammed shut.

“I hate him! I hate him!” Kevin screamed.

Ash launched her bag inside and swung through the window like a gymnast, sticking the landing

Her heart stopped beating.

Kevin screamed obscenities and tried to move one of the dressers by himself, but he couldn’t budge it. Dayna lay on the floor.

“What happened?” Ash asked, running to help Kevin.

After they had blocked both entrances to the bedroom, Kevin collapsed beside Dayna, gasping for breath and sobbing. His black eye had been hit again and was swollen shut. His left front tooth was missing.