Tears shone brightly in her eyes. “Oh, Wray! You were shot with an arrow. Airk killed the Maelnords who did it, and Shaela is trying all she can, but Elke says we have to reach this place called Barre so you can get real treatment. That’s why we’re hurrying. I hope you weren’t disturbed.”
The words tumbled over one another. When they were all out, she broke down.
Coming up behind her, Airk led her away into Elke’s arms. Shaela bent over the Baret and peered into his face. “How are you feeling?”
He groaned. “I can’t feel my left arm. It’s numb. I can’t move it. My head’s cloudy, and my eyes aren’t focusing right. My throat is dry and my lips hurt; they both might be swollen. I can’t move the rest of my body, but I can feel I’m tied down. In my left shoulder is a stinging sensation. I’m very tired, but don’t feel like sleeping. And my neck is beginning to burn.”
Shaela laughed quietly. “You’ve been a patient before, I see. Tell me, how does your neck burn? Inside or out?”