“You bet I will. In fact, I’m meeting them at the house tomorrow.”
“By the way, how are things going with the therapist? You haven’t said much about him since you started the hypnosis.”
“Wow! Talk about changing the subject.”
“Well… how are things going?”
“How the heck should I know? He asks the occasional question, and I tell him how I feel about this or that. We’ve delved rather deeply into my childhood, starting around the time my father died. As for the hypnosis, I really don’t know what happens. He’s offered to give me recordings of the sessions, but I’m not sure I want to listen to them. What it seems to boil down to is because of the way my stepfather abused me, I have no sense of self-worth, or some such Freudian type stuff.”
“You probably will want to listen to them—eventually.”
“Could be. Are you through reading that book?”
“I’m at a good stopping place.”
“Great, let’s go try the bed.”
“What a good idea.”