FOR THEIR THIRD Christmas Tom and Noah purchased a large tree for the living room and decorated it. That Thursday, Tom invited the choir over to the house for their usual rehearsal, followed by a small Christmas party—they’d borrowed some folding chairs from the church for the occasion. Their former home had been professionally cleaned and was in the process of being occupied by new tenants, and Tom had served notice on the ladies in the garage apartment that their lease would not be renewed.
Noah met Bobby at the church on a Friday a few days after the Christmas break began, and led him to the new house. “Wow,” Bobby said as Noah led him upstairs to the largest guest room. “This is a great house.”
“Yeah,” Noah said. “We’re still getting settled in, but we like it just fine.”
Tom was at the organ when the two brothers came into the studio. He got up, gave Bobby a hug, and said, “Have you decided how long you can stay with us?”