“The rental house is free and clear,” Kevin said. “We could mortgage it for enough capital to survive for quite a while.”
“That’s not a bad idea,” Dad said, “but it’s much too soon to make those kinds of decisions.”
“Yeah,” I said. “We’ve got a lot to do between now and then.”
“Can I give you boys one piece of advice?”
“Yes, Sir.”
“Instead of renting expensive office space somewhere, you should look into buying a small house.”
“Won’t that be expensive?” Kevin said.
“Look for an older residential neighborhood, one with a thoroughfare running through the middle of it that leads to the suburbs. In many of those situations, as the city expands outward, those thoroughfares switch from residential to commercial. I can think of several areas in Charlotte where there are any number of former single-family residences that are now zoned commercial. Find a spot like that, put a sign in front, and you’ll get a lot of exposure without resorting to expensive advertising.”