Chapter 26

{Who’s that?}

{The guy standing in front of you. I’m Quentin, and I’m a private detective. My partner Nate and I are the ones who told the police about your kidnapping.}

{You did! Thanks.}

{Needless to say, we don’t want the cops to know how we knew about it,} Quentin sent.{Can you play along with that?}

{Sure. My name is Dwight Adelberger.}

{Good to meet you, Dwight.}

George patiently took down the victim’s name, address, and other information. In the process, they learned that Dwight was on his way to Orlando, but when he was on I-295 going around Jacksonville, he’d turned onto I-10 by mistake, because he’d been getting sleepy at the wheel. Once he realized his mistake, he’d continued to the first rest area, and had planned to take a nap before he turned east on I-10 and headed back to I-295.

“I don’t think you should drive anywhere tonight, Sir,” George said. “Besides, I’ll need you to come down to the Sheriff’s office in the morning and make a full statement.”