“To another room,” one of the policemen said.
“Why don’t you guys go into that room, leaving the door open, and have a whispered conversation? We’ll be able to hear it, I assure you.”
The captain pointed to the door, said, “Go,” and the two policemen opened the door and went into the next room for a few minutes.
Quentin and Nate dropped into rapport and monitored the two policemen’s conversation.
{Why are you going along with this, Sam?}
{Because the Captain told us to do so, Joe. And there’s the fact that I got laid last night, so I’m feeling generous.}
{Mary Alice finally put out, did she?}
{Oh, man, did she ever. And when she got going, she was insatiable. We did it twice last night, and again this morning.}
{Way to go, Sam.}
{And, she invited me over to her place tonight. Said to bring my toothbrush.}
The two men emerged from the other room, and looked at Nate expectantly.
“Well?” one of them said.