Chapter 39

“Obviously. I know you from somewhere.” Her gaze narrowed as she took in the cane and my limp. “Mark Vincent.”

“I always knew you were a smart woman.” Although it beat hell out of me how she realized who I was so quickly. When I got out of here, I’d have to give some thought about offering her a position at the WBIS. I dropped down in the chair before her desk and stretched out my bum leg.

“Should I be flattered?”

“Why? It’s the truth.”

“You’re Mark Vincent, you work for the WBIS. And while the WBIS isn’t as misogynistic as some of the other alphabet agencies, the only capacity you have women working in are secretarial positions.”

“And the times, they are a-changing.” The corner of my mouth quirked up in a grin as I thought of Grey Rayne, the young woman who’d recently joined my department. I wondered if she planned to reveal who her father was. Not that it mattered to me. As long as she did her job and didn’t get any of us killed, I’d keep her on.