Chapter 40

“What does Jon being on the West Coast have to do with Quinn?”

“That’s what I want to know.”

“Truthfully, I have no idea. And the Gettysburg Address being missing… that’s news to me as well.”

I studied her for a few minutes. She sat there. She didn’t fidget, didn’t look away, kept her gaze steady on mine. She could be lying, but I didn’t think so.

I hauled myself to my feet. “All right, then. I’ll look into it.” I didn’t tell her I was already looking into it. I held out my hand. “Thanks, Colonel.”

“You’re welcome.” She took my hand and gripped it lightly.

“If you learn anything, get in touch with Quinn, okay?”

“I will.”

I nodded and walked out of her office.


My cell phone rang as I exited the building. It was Winchester.

“I’m done here, sir. I’ll be back at headquarters in about half an hour.”