Chapter 41


Winchester finished giving his report and stood at ease while I considered what he’d said. According to Romero’s gadget, the Gettysburg Address in the Lincoln Bedroom of the White House was real.

The pencil I held in my hand snapped from the level of my fury. For whatever reason, Kirkpatrick wanted Quinn out of DC. He wanted Quinn in the same vicinity as Drum.

“You did a good job,” I said to Winchester. “Take the rest of the afternoon off.”

“Thank you, sir. I’ll grab an early dinner. I… uh… thought I’d give the Rib Shack a try.” He bit his lip and blushed. “And you didn’t need to know that bit of information.”

I didn’t, but he’d caught his mistake, so I let it go. “Just make sure you get that suit cleaned. There had better not be barbecue sauce on it. And remember to get in on time tomorrow.”